Reformed rule-set for: Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (WiiU, Wii)
1 year ago

I have come to make an announcement! The whole rule-set have been reformed for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (WiiU, Wii)! Now it requires for top 5 times to have video-proof of the result screen and full replay. No expectations for this will be highly enforced. Here is the full official statement of the reformed rulesets:

"Use the in-game timer for each of these events and you must place first for the run to be valid. If the event allows multiple players, you may play using co-op but it is not required and they will be on the same boards. You must use a CPU opponent but that opponent can be made at any difficulty. From July 20th, 2023 top 5 times must have video proof of the run, showing of at least the result screen and full replay. This will be heavily enforced! For each IL: You may retry as many times as you like for a time and does not need to be RTA timed. For each 'All' category: You must RTA time it but the timing will be a combination of the IGT's. You must do them in a single segment as fast as possible."

I want to also give a huge shout outs to JH2000 for helping me, as well as Carter for brining this to attention! Special thanks also to Hayden, Harrison, and Remy!

Let us work together to unite and improve our speedrunning community which I love and let each problem be resolved through in a mutual agreement! Much love from ViktorJAVO in the M&S London 2012 Olympic Games Wii moderation team!

P.S. This YouTube short will also come in handy:

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Harrison_ و
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