Mods will post note-worthy updates that we alter/change on the speedrun site here.
Think of it as a public audit log :)
might delete later
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
update 5.14.19
- removed empty categories. Until there are people who request a run to be in, it's best not to clutter the leaderboard.
update 5.15.19
- switched around categories, should make more sense now.
- added rules to the guides section
- changed background for NA, TW, and SEA's 14th anniversary
update 5.16.19
- added reboot / non-reboot subcategories. Initially the speedrun page was only going to be non-reboot, but changed it due to it's built-in non-trading factor and increased experience gain.
- working on jump quest IL categories and rules ^_^ stay tuned!
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
update 5.17.19
- kerning city jump quests/map runs are being accepted now! Submissions can be found in the level leaderboard tab. We will post other maps if you all are interested in more jumping action~
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
update 6.3.19
- since load times in maplestory varies for each pc, we've decided to modify the jump quest timing rules to START on the first input. As a result, all prior jump quest runs will be re-timed to match the new rule.
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
update 10.12.20
Oof, it's been a while!
- Clarified jump quest rule to "ENDS when you complete the treasure chest dialogue/textbox to warp out of the stage."
- Currently in the works of making a MS speedrun discord for anyone interested! Hopefully will be set up by the end of the week, stay tuned for more details.
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
Rudigus المعجبون بهذا
update 11-29-20
Hey folks!
- I've recently went in and modified a lot of the categories to sort them better. Main categories are now the level number.
- Now including an option to choose either the "level reached" or "job skills" subcategory.
- Editing the job speedrun guides
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
update 12-21-20
- Removed category guides and moved the details into the category rules.
- Reverted "Non-premium" to "Iron Man" and changed "Premium" to "Any%" for clarity
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: Kerning City - Construction Site B3
المستوى: Kerning City - Construction Site B2
المستوى: Kerning City - Construction Site B1