Low% Possible
2 years ago
Indiana, USA

I don't usually torture myself with this kind of stuff, but I wasn't going to let this challenge pass me by. But I thought of a possible Low% route to this game and I think I may try and record it...eventually lol.

The Self-Imposed Rules

--You are only allowed to use your gun and spear. No special weapons are allowed.

--You cannot collect any Spear, Gun, or Jump Power-up items.

--You may collect the following items: Points, Blue and Red Medicine, Shield, and 1-Up.

--If you opt to kill an enemy that drops special weapons, you can still collect it since you won't be using them anyway.

--Use of Vehicles is allowed.

--Use of warp levels is allowed.

--If you collect a power-up, you must suicide and restart the level.+

--You may continue after a Game Over since it is inconsequential to your power-up status.+

+This is how I played this run. but I am open to the idea of collecting power-ups or game overs being treated as run killers that force reset.

Notes and Info about the run.

--I opted to use both warp levels for this run to make it easier. Metal Head is probably not that bad, but The Cliffs is very slow to begin with not to mention if you aren't careful with your health, you'll be almost dead by the time you reach the boss.

--Magma Mountains boss (Arachnoid) took a while to figure out a pattern since unlike in the Any% route, you're stuck in the pit with him and his turrets. Take out the turrets by freeze-spear combo then attack Arachnoid on the left or right side of his body under him. His fire ball attacks can never hit you from that angle

--Vehicle enemies present a challenge in terms of the no-power-up rule. Frozen enemies have a 10% chance to drop an item (according to the official instruction manual) and vehicle drivers are no exception to this drop rate. Because use of vehicles is 100% required for the final level (5-2), and items that drop from vehicle enemies are almost impossible to avoid (hover craft is the only one I could avoid items with), it brings up a question of what to do in the case of an accidental power-up grab. Which is why brought up option above of the suicide rule or the run killer rule.

All in all, it was a fun, albeit frustrating run, and the final boss was no joke. Luckily it is possible and there is a method to the madness.

(edit: SRC text formatting loves asterisk, so I'm using "+" instead)

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