Verifier Applications
i think 3 is enough, but i dont think JamesShits has done much...
MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
james just verified half my runs without bothering to retime them, why is this guy verifier when FlashGiant isnt?
MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
He's not a verifier anymore. He did the same thing with my runs. He didn't retime them. Good thing I had already retimed them myself.
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@FlashGiant would be a good verifier since he verified many runs on nether games
Act_ و MinecraftGaming تُحب هذا
Its been my dream to be a verififer/mod on i can verify for 12 hours a day
I might need verifiers for Time Trial next 2 weeks you can apply if you want.
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