Here are a few basic questions and their answers, I will update it from time to time, so if you have a question please take a look here. if your question is not listed you can post it in discord or in this forum.
Q: The Autosplitter is not working, what should i do? A: Lightmatter probably had an update, let us know and wait until the Autosplitter is updated.
Q: Am I allowed to hit retry after the next Level is loadet? A: Yes.
Q: Can I let my own music play in the video? A: As long as the game is still audible. If part of the video is muted, you can offer the video for download.
Q: Can a tas be implemented in a speedrun? A: Main rule: "No tools or cheats"
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: Level 28
المستوى: Level 28