Leaderboard Changes (2023)
1 year ago

I have made some changes to the leaderboard.

Added Co-op Any%. This is a category that has been requested a lot and because playing with multiple players is one of the best parts of the game. I think the other categories could be added if there are runners, but I don't know Guest Star could be added. This is because it is very different in nature from the other full game categories and cannot be sub-categorized.

Requiring video proof for Ultimate Choice WRs. Images alone are not enough for us to see if there is any cheating going on. Also it is not difficult to record video on Switch games. This will apply starting with the next WR submission.

I also plan to make 100% and "All Big Pieces & Switches" the main categories; "All Big Pieces & Switches" is the Story Mode 100% category and I think it is more natural to have it in the main category. Since people are more interested in 100% than Crown%, I am thinking of splitting 100% into two subcategories, Original, Crown. Please let me know if you have an opinion on this.


Thank you for your great work, shiro san!!

Co-op category is nice. I don't know it's able, I think you could make guest star's level leader bords and Co-op sub category there. Kirby Fighters maybe one of references.

Video proof for Ultimate Choices is also good. But, more runners should be requred to submit it like guest star? (Ex, sub 7min submittion needs video proof.) It may make a lot of good approches collected.

I agree with moves of 100% and "All Big Pieces & Switches." Probably, not only Crown% also "All Big Pieces & Switches" can move into 100%.


@GCnotes Thanks for your opinion, GCnotes san.

Regarding Guest Star level leaderboard, this was an option when the category was launched, but was voted on and is in its current form. I don't think it is practical to change this now.

I also find it difficult to expand the scope of the video requirement for Ultimate Choice, since most people thought that submitting an image was sufficient in the discussion a few years ago. However, I always encourage video submissions.

"All Big Pieces & Switches" will be treated as one main category. 100% and Crown% include other modes, I don't think it can be summarized here.

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