BlackMage%MasterSave Strategy
6 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

This is the strategy I used on my BlackMage% MasterSave

#** --- Shop --- **

** Buy before setting up party **

** - Snacks : ** All ** - Drinks : ** All ** - Items : ** Bk Crown, Holy Grail, Loaded Dice, Hourglass (Don't buy the miniatures, although give +1 in all skills, you will have to move the mouse a little more and may cause miss clicks) ** - Table : ** Glass Table -> Help with RNG in collecting missions ** - Master : ** Comic Store Guy -> More Exp ** - Furniture Left : ** Police Box -> More MP for spells and abilities ** - Furniture Right : ** Clock -> Good against spells ** - Door : ** Simple Beedroom Door -> MORE EXP ** - Rug : ** Rug -> EVEN MORE EXP ** - Books : ** Forgotten Quests -> " I already said XP is never too much? " ** - Pet : ** Dragon -> Help with the passive necromancer (EnergyDrain) and the Paladin ** - Wall : ** Wood Wall -> Don't waste too much time resting

#** --- Party ---**

(from left to right)

0.(Roleplayer,Class) -> What skills you need to focus (NºP = Number of points on the Skills)

1. Hynx, Shaman -> 25P Static Field , Then focus in Hurricane . 2. Saul, Necromancer -> 14P Summon Minion , 20P Energy Drain ( Put the skill points alternately. If you put too much of the Summon Minion, the Necromancer won't have MP enough to use it 2 secs, if you put too much Energy Drain, Minion won't do much damage. 3. Gui, Bard -> 25P Octavarium, then focus Dissonance. 4. Flowers, Cleric -> 25P Weakening, then focus Smite 5. Hugo, Paladin -> 1P Holy Shield, 1P Leader Strike, then focus Devotion.

#--- Explaning the party ---


More turns so that the Hurricane causes more damage during the fight and so Static Field stays longer.


Hurricane > Constant damage per turn. Static Field > No need to rest to retrieve MP and refill MP of Necromancer for constant minions



more initiative = more likely to be the first to act, so his minion can deal damage in the first turn. And 30% more of XP = A stronger necromancer


Summon Minion > It is BROKEN, decreases the resistance and causes A LOT OF DAMAGE on the turn that is summoned and on the enemy's turn.

Energy Drain > Increases damage and steals MP, if you don't have enough MP, one hit and you recover a lot of MP.



Less chance of being targeted by enemies and steals a little MP.


Octavarium > Heals everyone on the turn that is used and then heals the shifts of each of the allies.

Dissonance> Just to do Damage to everyone.



+1 on the Dice Rolls, Good for Traveling and Dungeons


Weakening > Most of the enemies in this run give Physical damage, Weakening will reduce this damage to 1.

Smite > Holy Damage and Heal



More attractive to receive damage from enemies, nor consider 10% Critical, Hugo will be our meat shield


Devotion > more attractive and fleshy

Holy Shield > 50% Damage Off

Leader Strike > Get even more attractive to enemies


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