Timesave & sequence break that doesn't work
4 years ago
Tasmania, Australia

Hi everyone :) I haven't tried properly running this game before (and probably don't plan to) but while playing around, I discovered two things:

After you collect the last orb in the top right, you can retry to go back to the checkpoint just before and save having to go all the way over the top. I estimate it saves 5-10 seconds, making sub-4 pretty doable on PC/Web. I can only find one other place where there is a chance retrying might save time, but I doubt it.

I also found what would nearly be a sequence break but fails at one point and makes it impossible. After you get the first orb that makes you fall slowly but before going to the waterfall caverns, you're able to go up the medium-steepness slopes that you should only be able to use after getting the steel boots (second orb). This effect seems to stop while you're in the caverns, but not anywhere else, which is strange. Because of this, you can go over all of the game between the caverns and the mountains (ika plains with lana and the first room of the mountains). However, you're unable to get past the lowest part of the bridge at the mountains for some reason. Due to this, the sequence break doesn't work and the only route past that is to go back to the caverns. Coming out of the caverns you're forced to go through the plains anyway, so there isn't any point doing that part or any other bit earlier. I feel like I would have noticed this on my casual playthrough a year or two ago, so maybe it was introduced with the update in January? At any rate I'm probably not the first person to notice this.

I found a few other small strats that improve on the PC/Web wr, but nothing notable.

I hope this (at least the last orb timesave) helps if anyone is going to run this again in the future. :)

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