other categories
3 years ago
Clare, Ireland

I was thinking maybe there could be categories for other characters or for collecting items not really much else to say lol only problem i can see is who would want to run them


If people are willing to do some runs for these categories, then there probably wouldn't be an issue with adding it to the leaderboards.

The main problem I saw when playing them is that both dotkid and vic viper make the game incredibly trivial. As well as that, once the novelty wears off of being able to literally fly through the game, VV isn't an enjoyable run, since there aren't many new things to learn, and dotkid doesn't have that many skips that really warrant it being a separate category (at least that I know of). I could see Owata% being an interesting run though.

All item runs have always been cool for me and I enjoy them, but they really only add about a minutes worth of extra stuff to do, so it doesn't seem necessary at the moment. But if people would want to run it, then that would be a simple one to add.

millacks و Lyren تُحب هذا
Minnesota, USA

I have been grinding out Vic Viper runs and think it would be another category add. I use autofire, but for a non main category, I don't think separating auto vs non auto for vic viper would make too much sense. Currently at 17:00 and trying to get sub 17 at some point this year. I see owata is a category so I figure Vic Viper could be as well. I am not sure if anyone would try dotkid to see how different it would be, but I would not do dotkid if no one else does.

St. Louis, MO, USA

I think vic viper would be a cool category :)


Added. Let me know if there's any problems with the rules.

United States

One of the requirements for the 100% run is to make Logic sad. Does that mean blowing up the cats in the secret items room?

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