3 years ago

I've recently added new resources/guides to the game here, and wanted to also make those changes known in the forum here, so I figured an FAQ might be good.

  • How do I learn HuniePop? (This question is sponsored by Garrett)

Haha you should check out this sick nasty video about learning Get Laid, created by the amazing Get Laid Easy WR Holder, Garrett!!!

The routes and write-ups from 2017 are still very accurate: https://www.speedrun.com/huniepop/guide/axo3s

And also join the HuniePop Speedrunning Discord, we're pretty friendly to questions! https://discord.gg/r32Jku4Dss

  • How do you mash so fast?

We don't! Binding the mouse button to other devices using external programs has always been allowed. I didn't like the idea at first, but speedrunning this game with mouse mashing is absolute pain. Allowing easier ways to mash makes the run exponentially comfier, and keeps the focus on actual gameplay performance. This isn't Coochie Clicker.

Personally, I've found the best way to mash is to use the Scroll Wheel with my right hand (one wheel movement sends both a mouse down and mouse up signal), and rotating a control stick or mashing WASD with my left hand.

The recently developed Speedrun Mod automatically binds the mouse button to the Scroll Wheel, WASD, arrows, and controller control sticks, without the need for Joy2Key or AutoHotkey or other programs: https://www.speedrun.com/huniepop/guide/pe6gu

  • What versions are there?

TL;DR: The January 23 version is fastest.

There's the original 1.0 release from January 19 (easily found illegally), the January 23 version, and the Valentine's version. The only change I could find between 1.0 and January 23 is that Bonus Round affection drain originally got shorter and shorter as you progress through the game. This was too hard (especially on Hard) for a lot of players, so it was removed.

More info about the Valentines patch changes, and a January 23 version download, can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/huniepop/guide/ddaxb

  • Should I use censored or uncensored?

Personally, I don't care, but srcom probably does. (They've denied HuniePop 2 and other 18+ games recently; we're basically grandfathered in.)

However, the official censored version is still NSFW! Titties were not removed! So it's still not a great choice for YouTube, although marking your video as 18+ is probably enough. I don't know of anyone's HuniePop runs getting deleted on YouTube.

The recently developed Speedrun Mod hides the sex CGs and prevents bra removal, making the game SFW (visually, at least): https://www.speedrun.com/huniepop/guide/pe6gu

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