Resubmitting Twitch Runs
Resubmitting Twitch Runs
نُشرت 22 hours ago من

Today have added a feature to help you see which of your runs are at risk of Twitch Highlight deletion (see the blog post).

As mentioned in the last post, any new Twitch submissions will be rejected.

We'd appreciate if you make your runs safe before they are deleted on 2025-04-19. We will not be retroactively rejecting runs with missing Twitch Highlights, but we would appreciate your help to preserve our boards' history.

What do I do?

You can see your at-risk runs by navigating to the Pending tab on your profile, then selecting Video at risk.

For each at-risk run, you can Mark as safe only if you are sure you will never delete the Highlight to make space; otherwise, you need to reupload to YouTube or another host.

To move runs to YouTube, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the page of the at-risk run.
  2. Click the URL to open the Highlight on Twitch.
  3. Next to the Share button, press the options menu and select Edit.
  4. On the Video Manager page, press Export. If you are prompted, allow Twitch to access your Youtube channel.
  5. Enter the details; ensure the video is set to Public, and DO NOT select Split the video in to 15 minute segments.
  6. Now in Youtube's Channel Content manager, find the exported video and select Get Shareable Link.
  7. Back on the page for your run, select Edit Run and update the video URL.
  8. After submitting, press Mark as Safe. This tells verifiers your run is a resubmission & it will be verified quicker.
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Resubmitting Twitch Runs

Today have added a feature to help you see which of your runs are at risk of Twitch Highlight deletion (see ).

As mentioned in the [last post](

22 hours ago
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