Rose B outfit (100% run)
3 years ago
Northern Ireland

After a failed 100% run at the start of the year I think I've finally mentally recovered enough to possibly try all over again B)

Basically the problem I encountered was that 3 outfits never unlocked no matter what I tried:

  • Sailor Costume A
  • Sailor Costume B
  • Rose B

The sailor costumes are listed on a few guides and walkthroughs as being to do with getting an S rank on a level and an S rank on the game respectively - I tried everything I could with these, replaying levels, getting S ranks on every level consecutively and so on, but couldn't even get Sailor Costume A. Rose B seemed to have absolutely zero unlock information whatsoever (and I went a few Google pages deep too!).

If anyone has any information on these at all - even if you can let me know if you managed to unlock these at any point during your own saves, to know they're attainable, please let me know! I ran the game on PAL PS2 at the time and interestingly returned to my 2010 saves to find I had unlocked the two sailor costumes there - so I think they are definitely attainable just perhaps not using the method described? Rose B still remains an utter mystery so any information at all would be really valuable!

Most of the game guide websites aren't quite right on item unlocks whatsoever.

Rose A: defeat 9 anti-riot chiefs (the red cylinder minibosses with shields) Rose B: defeat 18 anti-riot chiefs Hinted at in stage 8

Sailor A: 3 hours of total in-stage playtime Sailor B: 5 hours of total in-stage playtime Hinted at in stage 11 *the numbers given here are lifted from an official walkthrough on a press resource disc(?), roughly tested it once and it seems to be accurate but I should do more tests (this is certainly going to hurt 100% speedrunners, I presume)

For clarification, Chinese A/B is the outfit that is reliant on S ranks in levels (5 and 10 stages with S ranks [hinted in stage 13] respectively)

These work on all versions of the game from what it seems, presuming so since the hint text (mailboxes) is the same in all of them that I've found.

I have what I think are all the unlock requirements for all outfits and would be interested in providing them as a resource here since no other website seems to have them all right, but I just only now signed up to this website to reply to this post and don't quite know how to use it lol.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago

@eltonekaru My recommendation would be to list them in a Google Sheet and reply here with a share link

I went for a google doc instead since I could add more images/formatting into the table cells:

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago

oh shit that is amazing

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