Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks
Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks
تم التحديث 4 years ago من Solderq35

Cutscene Wait

Cutscene waiting is a great way to speed up a run. While the cutscene plays, NPC's in the level will already start moving, which means you can save in-game time otherwise spent waiting for an NPC to move into position.

  • Note that sometimes you must perform certain actions in a route ASAP and as such you do not have time to play cutscene

  • Note that default starting locations have longer cutscenes (sometimes nearing a minute) vs other locations (10-20 seconds)

*Example (credit Thatgeekyguy): This player played about 20 seconds of cutscene. As a result Maya Parvarti walked under the hay bale at 1:41. Without waiting cutscene Parvarti walks under hay bale at about 2 minutes.

Fast Sniper Briefcase Unpack

  • Technically this works with all large items that can be unpacked from briefcases, but most common use is with sniper rifle.
  • To perform fast unpack: Crouch, then drop briefcase, then press the "retrieve item from briefcase" all in quick succession.
  • Example. This saves about half a second overall.

Unlocking Doors

Some of the methods of unlocking doors were covered here, but I will go more into depth on the topic here as well.

General guidelines:

  • Lockpick and Crowbar obviously only work on physical lock doors, while scramblers/ key hackers and EMP only work on electric doors.
  • All SMG's, assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, striker/ matador and full auto pistols can shoot open physical lock doors and electric swinging doors alike. You cannot shoot open sliding electric doors with guns.
  • Any guns not mentioned above (i.e. semi automatic pistols like ICA19 etc) cannot shoot open doors for the most part (A few exceptions like in Paris, but this is very rare).
  • Explosives can generally open physical lock doors and electric swinging doors, but not electric sliding doors.

Target Lockdown

Causing a panic can actually be a great way to move the target into a spot where they can be killed.

  • Example (credit Ha-DOOOOOOOU-ken): In this run both targets are panicked into lockdowns for falling object kills.

Breakable Object Drop Trick

Throw/ drop a breakable object near certain ledges, and you can walk off the ledge to the ground. You will suffer no damage, as Hitman has no fall damage. This can result in huge time saves since falling to the ground is often faster than stairs/ pipe.

  • Example 1 (credit Meme Junkie): Throw muffin near ledge to walk off it to the ground
  • Example 2 (credit Ducker): Throw breakable stone bust near ledge to walk off ledge to ground

Fast Disguise Change

There are several disguise change animations, some of which are slower than others. To avoid the slow disguise change animation, it is best to crouch before taking disguise, or else to grab the body before changing disguise.

  • Example 1: Slow disguise change animation (where 47 runs his hands along each arm). This happens sometimes if you are standing when you take disguise. Avoid this at all costs!
  • Example 2 (credit Meme Junkie): Notice how 47 does a faster animation without running his hands along his arms.
  • Example 3 (credit Meme Junkie): Grabbing body before disguise change is also a way to avoid the slow disguise change animation. Note this works even if you are standing up before grabbing body.
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Hitman 2 Will be Removed from Stores January 26, 2023

The Hitman 2016 and Hitman 2 (2018) games will be de-listed starting January 26, 2023.

If you had any interest whatsoever in trying out the 2016 and 2018 game engines, now's the time to buy those games.

Hitman 2016 is probably the most

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