Here is where mods can post updates about the game, categories, and rules.
Zanum و MinecraftGaming تُحب هذا
New category: collect fuel (Misc.) Moved 100 points to misc.
Zanum و MinecraftGaming تُحب هذا
New category: Meme categories https://www.speedrun.com/hill_climb_racing_scratch/full_game#Meme_categories
Zanum و MinecraftGaming تُحب هذا
Added you reached the end, and moved meme categories collect fuel to the collect fuel category.
Zanum و MinecraftGaming تُحب هذا
New allowed version
You may now use the following version in your runs:
It autosplits according to the score you get, and can be edited by going to the "background" sprite and changing both numbers that are currently 4999 to one
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