Why not use rta and igt
7 months ago

How come we don’t use igt (in game time) to off set real team as load times can affect the overall time after each level the load time relates to the system specs so the better the pc the faster the loads giving and advantage. It was similar to halo wars 1 where pc version loaded faster there for real time was unusable on any version but pc.

Ontario, Canada

Because not enough people run this game for the times to be competitive. HW1 was RTA when HW2 came out and this leaderboard was created and HW1 didn't need to be IGT until the PC version of the game came out. The first record of HW2 didn't get set until 1 year after the game came out. I haven't looked into load times of different people running this game because not enough people are running it in general to determine if the game needs to be IGT instead of RTA. If you want to do an analysis of the current runs, I can look at the data and make a decision (and possibly make you a mod if you want to be so active in managing this leaderboard).


i agree not many people run the game its more the fact it makes the playing field equal for everyone no matter the hardware bringing it in line with hw1

Ontario, Canada

Are the load times significantly different between different PC hardware? There probably is some difference but I don't know if it is significant enough. There are advantages and disadvantages to using RTA vs IGT. If the game becomes more competitive (i.e at least 2 top runners with close times), then I'd be happy to do a comparison but right now, I doubt anything significant would change as a result of going to IGT. If multiple people disagree with me, then I'd be fine with doing a comparison now as well.

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