For the segment you start a new game and play until the point that you first get access with micheal in the open world. It would be a nice segment for beginners
Could've just scrolled a bit and you would have seen 1000 more threads asking the same thing but that's just too hard ain't it?
I don't think this has been suggested before. Sounds like a great idea to me!
@DayV I sense sarcasm =) @communistcustard No, it has been suggested 2837623876 times before, and the mods will probably agree with me on this one.
Michael% will not be added, end of story.
I don't get why you'd ironically suggest a category here just to waste other people's time
why not pull an uno reverse card on the 1st of april and actually create the category PauseFish
The point of april fool jokes is to make a joke that could be a somewhat reasonable thing, or bait people into watching something where it'll get increasingly obvious it's a joke. You are literally just copy pasting a thing that annoys everyone on here. This isn't humour.