FLYING's Splits
6 years ago

I really like how FLYING has his splits set up. I have been trying to get a similar minimalist setup with all the main timers and have only really come close with livesplit, but even that doesn't allow both the split name and time to be run on a nice neat single line and I have never gotten a good result with setting a color key filter to get transparency in OBS.

If you don't know what I mean, here is how he has his splits set up:

He revealed the source code for his timer at the very end of this run in this stream below, but other than that his exact setup is unknown to me.

At the start of that stream you can see he is using livesplit and you can see his set target times. I am assuming he is somehow writing that information to a file and OBS is reading from it? I know he uses an autosplitter as well, because he prefers to stay focused on the game, but I don't really want to go that far. I only know very basic programming and am fine with splitting manually.

If anyone can shed any light on what's going on here and how to achieve something like it, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


I don't know about the color stuff or anything but having a horizontal display is very simple in livesplit


Yeah I know how to get the horizontal layout in livesplit, but like I said I've never been able to get good color key transparency set up and maintain delta colors I'm happy with. Also livesplit, for some reason, grays out the option to display the split name and time in a single line when in horizontal layout.

I think FLYING's timer is tied in with his livesplit somehow. If you look at the source code you can see his timer writes to a file. Also I need to figure out how he is getting information from livesplit displayed like that.

Someone more competent than me can probably figure this out, but it's a mystery to me.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago

I can make a guess of how it works: he might be using the Livesplit server module to make a connection to his external timer, which makes it quite simple to push information from livesplit to his timer (as seen in the documentation This method is better than writing and reading from text files, which is slow.


Yeah, I realize the scene is not the one we see when it's show time now I watch it again garey. I still don't know what is going on here. Maybe flying will one day see this thread and reveal what magic it is. The source code for his timer doesn't reveal much, at least not to me.

I thought maybe one way to get something similar would be to use Livesplit as the sole timer and make a program to read the current split time in the LSS file and write it to a raw text file which then OBS can read from. You could also create an if function (I think that's what it's called?) that can modify the color of the split depending on if it is PB, losing time or just in the green. But that's all beyond me.

That is the only way I could think of to achieve a single line setup in horizontal layout with the split time and name on the same line. There is an enhancement request on livesplit's github for the option to display 2 rows to be turned off in horizontal mode, but who knows if that will ever happen.

In case anyone is wanting a similar setup themselves, I managed to achieve a pretty close layout in Livesplit finally using Chroma Key and not Color Key like every tutorial says to use. Chroma Key seems to be a lot more accurate in getting transparency than color key and even has a key color spill reduction slider to better control color removal.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago
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