Mission: Do You Have Protection?
Mission: Do You Have Protection?
تم التحديث 3 years ago من Mawfeen

I've also noticed something which may explain why some warps seem to not work. You'll see me waiting outside the cab until the yellow marker appears, just before the warp. I have yet to successfully get the warp if I enter the taxi as soon as possible. My guess is it has something to do with the yellow marker appearing in the middle of your inputs for the warp. Whenever I wait, as shown, it works.

I would recommend locking your FPS before reaching the bottom of the void, as it increases the likelihood of the doors falling off during the stumbling out sequence. What happened here is likely the result of shaking the camera around. I tested this last night on stream and had no issues if I locked the FPS a bit earlier. It could also be the result of locking and/or locking + shaking just as the taxi was reaching the bottom of the void. I plan to lock my FPS just after the Loading... screen ends, just as the descent into the void begins, and unlock after I begin to pull the driver out (when stealing the taxi) or as soon as the doors break off/fail to break off (when hailing).

  • You can sprint immediately out of the opening cutscene.
  • Aim at the third guy for his dialogue, wait for the next line, shoot the second guy in the leg, call someone whilst running back toward the entrance.
  • You can hang up as soon as it says "Follow Dimitri out of the shop.".
  • The gun shop cutscene is only skippable with Enter.
  • The final cutscene is entirely skippable if you hit Enter on the frame the blip disappears.

[small]featuring revolutionary gameplay by the one and only KyleDoeSit[/small]

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