What happens if the game crashes mid run?
3 months ago
United States

In the rules it says that it must be completed all in one sitting, and with the new release on pc, it’s crashed on me a couple times. Is there some wiggle room for crashes like when live streaming with connection issues? Id hate to be 3 hours in and the run ends because of an unavoidable crash.


Se o jogo crashar você pode abrir novamente e continuar de onde parou usando a opção "continuar", mas o cronometro deve continuar a todo momento, agora se for por causa de internet você pode usar a opçao de continuar gravando do obs, sugiro sempre gravar as corridas ao mesmo tempo que transmite, com essa opção se a live cair e voce tiver com uma corrida boa poderá continuar e abrir a live novamente, depois voce faz upload da gravação

If the game crashes you can open it again and continue where you left off using the "continue" option, but the timer must continue at all times, now if it's because of the internet you can use the continue recording option in obs, I always suggest recording the races at the same time as broadcasting, with this option if the live goes down and you have a good race you can continue and open the live again, then you upload the recording

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 months ago
Flatcar30 المعجبون بهذا

If the game crashes you can continue the run from the "continue" button. The IGT will pick up from where you left off. The recording must be uninterrupted and show everything.

Flatcar30 و Speed.Gunner تُحب هذا
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PC version and updates to the leaderboards

With the release of the PC version, PC has been added as a platform. PC runs will use the IGT plugin for LiveSplit created by Dobrido, this way you can see the IGT directly on LiveSplit and will not need to open the load menu at the end of the run to check your time. The IGT plugin

2 months ago
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