I want to try speedruning this game, but I can't find any guides. Can someone give me a few tips or link a guide?
There's very little randomness to the game, so speedrunning is more like a checklist. If you just take the exact same actions I did in the posted videos, they'll work every time.
As far as the stat assignment and non-random parts of the secret ending speedrun go:
Restarting at prologue: Max out Earth and Fire, put remainder into Water.
1st labyrinth random encounters - Use Power Strike against the rat with grenade or blue rat. Use Swift Strike against the rat pack.
Fire Salamanders fight - Always start with 1 Power Strike.
Then, depending on what the Salamander uses, make the following replies: Burning Breath ► Power Strike Power Strike ► Flowing strike, Swift Strike Fireflash ► Brace, Flowing Strike Bite ► Flowing Strike Swift Strike ► Power Strike
Great lesson labyrinth - part 1:
- Right
- Back
- Left
- Left
- Back
- Straight
- Right
- Back
- Straight
- Left
- Back
- Right
- Back
- Back
- Back
- Right
- Left
- Left
- Back
- Right (looks like a pit)
- Left
- Back
- Right
Great lesson labyrinth - part 2: From Start: Straight, right (answer to square root math question is 51) From Infinity: Left Left Right (do lesson) Left Right Right Left (do lesson) Right Right Left Left (do lesson) From Faith: Right Left
Compassion Ending stat assignment - 50 Fire, max out Water.
Survival Ending stat assignment - Max out Fire and Earth.
Final restart stat assignment - Start out on Earth and go clockwise, adding points up to the next milestone. Once almost out of points to assign, -1 Fire, +1 Water, remainder into Air.
Allmother's trial encounters - Flowing Strike against caterpillar, Power Strike against everything else.
Fighting Tempest & Vantage - Just use Power Strike.