Categories discussion
9 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

So as we will get this mess of a leaderboard cleaned up soon hopefully, we should start to talk about what actual speedrun categories we want to have. Here is a list of suggestions:

  • all cups subsonic
  • all cups supersonic
  • all cups hypersonic
  • all cups all speeds
  • every single cup for its own (should rather go into the IL section imo)
  • all tracks TA ( either all of them on hypersonic or on all speeds or splice into their own speeds )
  • all tracks hero mode
  • 300% as unlock and beat everything in the game from a fresh file
  • beat all staff times ( is very similar to all tracks TA, so I'm rather against this, but I'm listing it here just in case )

we could start listing all categories and see if there is any interest or not, so if there is no interest in a certain category we can remove it.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Tbh I'll probably remove most of them and just stick to Hypersonic lol and I tried to put them into ILs and it got messed up even more ;-; I'm going to try and redo it though. What I'm planning to have is:

  • All 4 cups (All hyper unless people want the other classes)
  • Each track for Hyper
  • Hero mode doesn't really record a time in-game so unless people are going to record it then I might not add it in.
  • And the full game from Subsonic through to Hyper

If you look now that's how I plan it to look - at least it's not messed up as before lol

Bavaria, Germany

yeah, people will probably only stick with hyper, same as 150cc in most mario kart games.


IMO we should have Hyper as main, Sub and Super as misc categories, and individual cups moved to the Level Leaderboard

I don't really see a point for a full Championship run (which btw can't be called 100% for various reasons). What's the point of running the same tracks 3 times, at an increasing speed? Just go 300% at that point tbh. We don't have enough runners to warrant too many categories

Also I'm against "Beat dev times" because it's literally Time Attack. If you know what you're doing the times are free. They're not a challenge like F-Zero GX for example, so there's not really a novelty to it

Vienna, Austria

I updated now the Leader board a bit now.

Globally: Added the Settings (Sub-, Super- and Hypersonic) as Variables/Sub-Categories for Full-Game runs and IL's.

Full-Game: Instead of having a new Category for a new Setting, they got moved into any%. Sub-Categories HYPE. Updated Rules - Improvements/Feedback is welcome/asked for.

IL's: I have no Idea why, but all Levels were set as Categories which didn't really make sense. So I cleaned that mess up and added back the old runs (and verified them). Also here: Sub-Categories!


Alright I guess I'll start with the feedback ('w')

Any% implies new game, which would be Subsonic only, AND require a new Wii U user account for every run since you can't delete your save as far as I know. Should be renamed to "All Cups" 100% implies everything in the game, which is not correct. Hell, it's not even 100% Championship, since that requires a gold trophy on every track (minus 1. You can get 100% on the counter with a single silver because rounding). Renamed to "All Leagues All Cups" or something along those lines (though I'm still against the category as a whole but if people want it then whatever)

Other than that the rule descriptions seem good to me. Though "No cheating" is a bit unnecessary ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Vienna, Austria

Alright, thanks for the fast feedback. I see the point with the naming and gonna change it right now. And is it true, that you can't start a subsonic League EVER again, after you made it? Seems quite unrealistic. But for the "100%", I guess "All Leagues" would be enough, since it already implies all the cups.


Personally I'd have it as:

All Cups All Cups Hero Mode 300% (from a fresh file) Individual Cups (though I agree with this being better put in ILs)

All of those being hyper, any lower speeds imo if they're on the board at all or any other categories should be hidden behind misc


You can do Subsonic league at any point, my point is that starting from a new file, you ONLY have Subsonic, not the other 2. So calling it any% and just doing Hypersonic League wouldn't make sense And yeah "All Leagues" works just fine, didn't really think that through hehe

Hero Mode would definetly be cool to have too

Vienna, Austria

Alright, I see. I'll add Hero Mode as Full Game Category as well and will move the Individual Cups into IL.

Vienna, Austria

As I moved the Cups to the IL's, I noticed that the proof for them (existing runs) are only Screenshots. I'm not really sure if we should allow that. I can understand it for IL's and the fact not everybody can capture it, but Cups and Full-Game runs should need Video proof I guess. What's your thought on that? Oh and another Question: What do you think about the new Background? I backed up the old one just in case ;)


I agree with that, ILs work because you can capture the screen at the end with lap and track times, but for full cups I'm not keen


All Leagues currently still has the 3 subcategories, which doesn't really make sense. Can that be fixed? Outside of that it's looking great now

Also noticed that DVPShady's Scorpio Circuit run is incorrect, it's meant to be 1:57, not 0:57. Got really confused seeing that lol

As for the proof thing, I don't see why we would make a distinction between Cup or IL runs. They both display ingame. Either require for both or neither. Both would be preferred but I realize it's not practical, so I'd say allow pics for both then.


I wanna do all the categories for full game Leaderboard live tomorrow on (as many as i get to) on Do I have to use a new File or can I use my 100% File? Rules imply i can use all cars from the Start

Btw i would love to have 100% category 100% all 3 Leagues 100% all Time trials 100% hero mode all in one Sitting

Bavaria, Germany

[quote=Vallkyr] All Leagues currently still has the 3 subcategories, which doesn't really make sense. Can that be fixed? [/quote] Fixed.

As it seems the issues with the leaderboard setup are now largely over, I will stop paying close attention to it. You know where to find me if needed, though.

One last thing I want to point out is that the current logo image doesn't really work on the colour scheme, so someone should probably look into that.


I reckon the only category that requires a new file is 100% (/300% just so it's clear we're talking about all modes, not just 1). Would be an alright category if someone does run it

Thanks for the fix Lighnat0r!

EDIT : 1 last thing before I go to sleep, Hero Mode doesn't have cups. Would make more sense to say "All Tracks Hero Mode" or simply "Hero Mode" for simplicity


For Fullgame Leaderboards:

  • 300% as mentioned earlier from a new File makes sense!
  • Hero Mode still has 3 categories but it only has Hypersonic the other 2 categories are not available!
  • Full Time Trials (Beat all developer Times) and all 3 Subclasses is still missing.
Vienna, Austria

Alright, updated it. Should work out now :)

Kuru المعجبون بهذا

Prefix what about the 300% category? Do you think beating the developer times should be a rule for the Time Trials?

Vienna, Austria

Well since I can't play the Game yet, I can't really talk about the Categories and Rules yet. But I think it doesn't really matter. You just have to do Time Trails. If you're faster then the Devs, it's god and you save time on your run, otherwise you simply loose time. A different thing would be, when "Beat the Dev" has different Gameplay, but I guess it's the same as Time Trail just with a Goal, so it doesn't need a extra Category then imo.

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