Post Rejected?
6 months ago

Edit: "Content Rejected" is what it says.

Not sure exactly why but I'm trying to share a competition I'm hosting. And no matter how I write it the post seems like it gets rejected.. any ideas?

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 months ago
Gaming_64 المعجبون بهذا
Texas, USA

Can you provide a screenshot of before and after?

Mireneye المعجبون بهذا

I atcually can't because it rejects here too whenever I link an image.

United States

If I had to guess its probably because your account is less than 2 weeks old. That is just a guess though.


I see.. That's a bit of a bummer, yeah I did come here to post about the competition. Good part is that it starts around mid May, so there's good time for that. But I also would like to get people in on it early so they can plan ahead.

Massachusetts, USA

I mean you can always make the post and either have the image added at a later time when you do get permissions or have a link to said image hosted on another site.

Mireneye المعجبون بهذا

Indeed that is a possibility! But I also know that the less people have to click links just to get somewhere the better, and you only get one try at a first impression. I'll think about it, and either hold off for a while or go on to post something as suggested. Thanks!