Discord for Small/Silly Games?
1 year ago
New Mexico, USA

I was wondering if there was a big discord that has a bunch of smaller games on it, mainly with like Silly Games? Kinda like how the Indie Horror Speedrun Discord is setup.

I just got a small silly game (Zippy Detective: Cats) accepted, and feel I would rather have it in a discord like that rather than it’s own.

If there isn’t one, perhaps I could make one? Would it be sought after by some other games?

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 1 year ago
grnts و D3cIma تُحب هذا

Something like "Community of small games"? sounds interesting

Gaming_64 و grnts تُحب هذا
French Southern Territories

There's an "obscure speedruns club" discord server, which has a similar premise to what you are suggesting. Here's the invite: https://discord.gg/tXCydaZBBa

jackzfiml, grnts و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا