Short Games To Run
3 years ago
Iowa, USA

Ok, I’m kinda bored and didn’t think about asking people until I saw @female and @Bob-chicken thread. What are some short games that take less than 2 minutes. Short levels count too.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا

Why make a new thread, and not post/look in the exist threads? you can look at the suggestions there.

Oh_my_gourdness و Pear تُحب هذا
Iowa, USA

Huh. Didn’t think of that

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا

@Oreo321 To be fair, he changed it to less than 2 minutes instead of 20, which narrows things down quite a bit. Plus he added the IL option, so it isn't an exact duplicate. @ActuallyElite Do you mean games that most people can beat in under 2 minutes, or games that can be done in less than 2 minutes once you get really good (e.g. Celeste Classic)? Anyway:

All the levels in Foxbot, an IL-focused game. Shelled Shinobi Yarn Solais Monkey Bananza might be pretty tough to get sub 2. Winterwood Gof Terry the Turtle, but not much room for error.

And the Apple level in Pigments, the hardest pico-8 game I've encountered.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago
Pear, Merl_, و Oreo321 تُحب هذا
Somerset, England

Granny v1.0, the WR is only 42 seconds long and most runs are under a minute It's also kinda easy to run

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago
Oh_my_gourdness, AsagiriX, و Pear تُحب هذا

Huh, I read the 2 as "20". My bad.

Oh_my_gourdness و Pear تُحب هذا
Iowa, USA

What I mean are things that can be beat by basically anyone in under 2 minutes including IL runs

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
United States

Most of the games I've ran

Oh_my_gourdness, Act_ و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا

Run Block Fu.

Everyone run Block Fu so we can outnumber the Giant's runners.

Edit: Here's some actual sub-2 full-game categories:

Not full-game but IL based:

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 3 years ago

[quote=ActuallyElite]What I mean are things that can be beat by basically anyone in under 2 minutes including IL runs[/quote] Ok, in that case you can skip Monkey Bananza & Apple from Pigments. Also, you might want to edit that into the OP so people are more likely to see it.

Indiana, USA

Idk If you could beat this in 2 minutes but 10 minutes is around the average time It takes to beat Google Champion the new browser game

United States

Minecraft classic break dirt?

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا

Hypixel Server Parkour.

United States

Pacman FPS, Any% is around 23 mins

Kkntucara المعجبون بهذا
United States


MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
United States

Correct, a 23 min run is better than a 2 min run

Kkntucara المعجبون بهذا
United States

A reminder to everyone around to not touch any of the links this bot is throwing out.

If said bot is no longer here tomorrow, then know that there was a bot.

Pear و Merl_ تُحب هذا