My OBS sometimes records in 60 fps and sometimes in 30 fps without changing settings
4 years ago
Texas, USA

Under Settings then Video the fps has always been set to 60. But sometimes it records in 30 fps and I don't know why that is, can someone help?

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
Virginia, USA

It could be the FPS of the game.

Texas, USA

My OBS went back to 60 fps so the issue is solved for now.

@dez_Games I knew the FPS of the game, so that wasn't the issue.

@Liv I could try checking the log if I have this issue again. I knew it was recording at 30 because on YouTube uploads you can check the fps under right click > "stats for nerds", and by using frame advance with the < and > keys. I also check video files by its properties or by opening it up in video editing software.

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا