Strange Any% Rules
7 years ago
North Brabant, Netherlands

I recently thought it would be fun to spend some time with Swords & Sandals II: Emperor's Reign. Over at Kongregate, a lot of people noticed certain versions of the game allowed you to perform a glitch at the character selection screen by writing two commas in your name.

I took that information and expanded on it. After all, you still have to beat the entire game using this glitch. With an unbelievable amount of dumb luck, I got a perfect warp into Day 125 (well past the usual length of the game). I have tried perhaps 50-100 times afterward but have only gotten close to replicating this result.

Now, I did not use any outside manipulation such as Cheat Engine. I only used a glitch that allowed me to warp to a tournament that is registered as the final tournament and thus allows me to see the ending screen. Would this usually qualify for an Any% category? If not, please explain, because I was under the impression that it does.

Just for clarification, a glitch is not a cheat, right? The category rules state cheats and hacks are not allowed.

The problem, however, is that the Any% category definition states you need to defeat the final boss in order to beat the game. This probably didn't take into consideration the possibility that someone would find a way to warp himself past the bosses without using Cheat Engine or other hacking tools.

So should my "run" qualify for the leaderboards? And perhaps move the 100% completion runs to a 100% category? Also, should the rules of the category be reformulated to allow for warping to the credits? This appears to me to usually be allowed in Any%, such as that of Ocarina of Time.

Thanks in advance!


This is really something that would probably be best addressed in the forum that's found on the specific game's page. Generally in an any% run, triggering the ending cutscene or credits is in and of itself enough; but as previously mentioned, it's sort of game specific.

I'd imagine either the rules for Any% would be changed to allow it, or some other category would be created where essentially beating the boss instead of just beating the game is allowed with the specific category's rule set.

Best people to ask though, are the mods for that game and/or series.

coolestto, 607, و Nefarious_Yordle تُحب هذا
North Brabant, Netherlands

Thanks, that helps because it gives me a little bit of outside reference on whatever the response will be. Also, I have to admit I was unaware that each game had its own thread.

607 و NihilistComedyHour تُحب هذا

No problem. Happens all the time. Quickest way to is to visit the game page and select "Forums" on the left-hand side menu thingy. That will let you sort of talk specifically to people playing the game; and for the most part, the games and the moderations are sort of self-contained, which makes it possible to moderate some 1000's of games and such. Good luck and nice job on your glitch.

607 المعجبون بهذا