Why is speedrunning so frustrating?
2 years ago

I usually don't get mad at video games. especially if it's singleplayer, when I lose a bunch of progress a game, I'll just take a short break and try again. with that said, currently my hands ache from hitting the table, my face is wet with tears, yet I didn't even lose that much progress. no, I was just a 15 minute session of a 2 minute speedrun, where I continuously failed the first part of it. why am I so worked up about doing this while speedrunning, yet I wouldn't be nearly as enraged if I had been playing the same game without trying to speedrun. does anyone know why this is?

here's the link to the level for those who are curious: https://www.speedrun.com/jtoh/level/Steeple_of_Meaningless_Decisions

cheg و M_CBL_ تُحب هذا
Iowa, USA

Probably because when you are trying to Speedrun, you are trying to go fast. So that means you will make way more mistakes then you would when you play normally and slower. So you get frustrated when you keep on messing up every time you Speedrun. It takes skill not only to be calm to mess up, but to master a move when going fast.

YUMmy_Bacon5 و Deux تُحب هذا
United States

My recommendation: take a break from speedrunning for at least a few days, then try a game from a different genre. Maybe whatever game you were trying to run isn’t the right “fit” for you.

Deux المعجبون بهذا

yeah the shorter the run the more timeloss a small fail is so its more stressful and harder

Ivory, Bubo, و YUMmy_Bacon5 تُحب هذا

UPDATE: after all of the fails and frustration, I finally did it... I got one of the worst speedruns for the level, ever! I can't believe I really went through all of the effort and pain just to be subpar. I'll keep trying though, probably with a less frustrating level/game. does anyone recommend a low-stress game that is easy to speedrun and short (or it could have short individual levels, that works too), but with a fairly large community?

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 2 years ago
Act_ و YUMmy_Bacon5 تُحب هذا

for me I'll always recommend mario 64. that being said low-stress is entirely dependent on your mindset, almost never the game.


@tobywongYT imo there is no low-stress game in terms of speedrunning -> the stress is selfbuilt by yourself I'd recommend playing a game without speedrunning it to relax a bit.

M_CBL_ المعجبون بهذا

Change your perspective. Instead of having the goal of just finishing the game, have fun. You know how when you're having fun things feel like they end too soon? Also, it's important to pick a game you're invested in, one you really like, so you don't get bored of it and then it became stressful.