Greetings lovely people
9 years ago
Maryland, USA

Hello everyone! I'm tobash, and I'm a new speedrunner, with my only current game that I run being TowerClimb. I only started speedrunning because I got really good at the game and figured it was the only real thing left to do in the game. The game itself is a roguelike procedurally generated platformer somewhat similar to Spelunky, but with, in my opinion much more depth to the mechanics. I am a little new to this community, but I'd love to get to know people here and learn what I can from everyone.

I'm not sure what protocol is on these introductions, but for those curious, I could post a link to the speedrun if you ask. Or look it up. It's in the games. Anyway, I look forward to all of kindness and/or cruelty! ^_^

South Carolina, USA

Welcome to the community! I'm new also. Everyone here seems to be pretty cool. I'll give your channel a follow when I get home from work.

Maryland, USA

Thank you! I've enjoyed making them!