What is happening
1 year ago
Limburg, Netherlands

Why are all categories gone?

Like, I know why. AVNJ made a thread saying that the game looked dead because of the seperation of the categories (which is way worse in other games). Then he became a mod? and then all categories that he thought were unnecessary are gone. oh and he deleted his thread for some reason.

This isn't the most famous game. It can become dead for a while and than a new person does a run and get's their friends to also play the game. (there are enough games on this site that are completely dead)

It was fine as it was. those categories were made because people did speedrun it and wanted seperation, because it was different from just a normal any% run.

There are reasons why those categories existed. They all bring something else to the table. 2 character runs are way different than 3 character runs, and playing with friends is different than playing alone, and why even get rid of "All Dungeons" runs?

It just feels wrong for someone seemingly coming out of nowhere with no run on the leaderboard to become a mod and disregard all categories. It also seems like AVNJ didn't ask the community before he made these changes.

I just want to know from other runners what they want. If they only want to have any% than I'm fine with it. These changes should have been communicated with the runners of the game and I feel like that didn't happen.

California, USA

There's were not enough runs yet to fill up all the old categories. And I did feel the game was dead enough to take a risk in trying to make it a bit more popular. I had no idea on how to do this but once I saw AVNJ's request and after I took a look at his twitch channel, he seemed knowledgeable enough to my eyes to allow him to try to make changes. I remember your one run was all dungeons and I am sorry that category no longer exists.

In fact you along with my own all dungeons runs were the only ones effected in a unfair way. That and I suppose 2-3 player games which like AVNJ mentioned before, made the categories a utter mess. So yes I'm aware this choice of mine is unfair to some but I'm taking that risk to see if more people do indeed take interest in the game in seeing several runs submitted at a glance compared to like 1 or 2 at a glance.

I'm going to give this new format he has done a try for awhile and see if it bares fruit. If it does not then I'll change everything back to what it once was. If it does bare fruit then I'm sorry to say you and any others who took offense were pulled under the rug for the greater good. Likely if the game does become more popular where the current format increases in runs, I can ever so slowly add categories while still having the game not look dead at a glance.

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