Fast Money Win (2 Family Game) 5/8/2020
Fast Money Win (2 Family Game) 5/8/2020
تم التحديث 4 years ago من mynameisAndy

Main Theme OFF Think Music OFF Bullseye Round OFF

For Round 1, buzz in with Player 2 when the game reveals enough of the prompt for you to know what it is. Mash Start. Submit the top answer with Player 1. Play the board. Spam the start button to get three strikes as quickly as possible. Spam the Start button with Player 2. Mash the A button as the game reveals remaining answers. Mash the A button when it shows Player 1's family. Mash the A button when it shows Player 2's family.

Keep track of Player 1's points. You need 300 Points to make the Fast Money Round. You should ideally get 150 points from Round 1 & 2, and 150 points from Round 3.

For Round 2, submit answers with Player 1 until you have 150 total points, including from Round 1. Then spam Start with P1 and then P2.

For Round 3, submit answers with P1 until you have 300 total points, including from Round 1 & 2. Then spam Start.

For Fast Money Round, submit all top answers and pray you get 200 Points from all five top answers.

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نُشرت 4 years ago
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نُشرت 7 years ago