Changes log
5 years ago

This thread will contain description of changes to leadeboards and reasoning behind those changes.

This thread will contain information on chages with Ultimate Doom, Doom II and Final Doom (PC) leaderboards.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
Alexo و DynamiteZoo تُحب هذا

27.05 Ultimate Doom leaderboards Sigil episode was added as it was released now by John Romero. Some source ports will run Sigil as episode 3 replacement and thus rule has been added to E1-3 and E1-4 runs that doesn't allow to use Sigil.wad.

E1-5 category might get added soon. Main concern here is being - not all source ports will allow for this run to happen. But it likely will appear in nearby future.

Rule rewriting coming up to represent doom speedruns correctly. Ruleset WILL NOT CHANGE, but the step is being taken to remove any sort of confusing wording (such as timing definitions for episodes 1-4).

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
Alexo, DynamiteZoo, و Dwaze تُحب هذا

27.05 Ultimate Doom leaderboards Ruleset have been reworked to properly represent guidelines that are being followed while verifying the runs.

It was discussed and decided that runs done with non vanilla-compatible sourceports might get rejected in future, so please try to avoid using those at any costs. Use sourceports that are listed in Source Port variable when submitting a run. It is possible that runs bypass sourceport rule or -complevel 3 rule, but this mostly has to do with amount of submissions that leaderboards are receiving and the lower you are on leaderboard after run gets verified the less I would care. Runs that get rejected for that reason will likely have message "Use vanilla-compatible sourceport" or "Use right complevel parameter".

Read rules before blindly attempting a speedrun. Runs that break rules are annoing to deal with and it future if run isn't done according to the rules I might be rejecting it with message "Read rules before submitting".

Runs that are on the leaderboards by the time of that update are not going to be removed from the leaderboards. Count them as legacy runs.

I'll specifically add full doom run guidelines here as it is also written in every ruleset - . Please read it if you care about running the game, not only will it clear things up even more, but it might also open you new horisons on what doom speedruns are outside of srcom.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
Alexo, DynamiteZoo, و Dwaze تُحب هذا

31.05 Doom II leaderboards Same set of rules with minor changes for correct description of Doom II was applied.


09.07. Individual levels ILs have been removed from speedruncom for Ultimate Doom, Doom II, TNT, Plutonia. Reasoning in corresponding thread.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago

20.11. Individual levels ILs will be coming back from tomorrow onwards as I will have time to fill them in with basic stuff. If you really wonder why this whole shit-show happened, go listen to me talk for 1 hour here -

Rules for ILs will now be more strict, with WR submissions (or tied WR submissions) requiring demo files to prove run's legitimacy. As for bigger categories this will also be the case (but might also be locked on time that you end up getting). It is done on a basic logic that if you happen to get run which is exceptionally good by larger community standarts you should also provide according artifact - demo file.

Non vanilla-compatible source ports will be instantly getting rejected from now on. All "might"s in rulesets are gonna be changed into "will"s.

This process will take some time and will bring ILs for Ultimate Doom, Doom II and eventually Final Doom, since the latter had the lowest popularity.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 5 years ago
Coincident و toiletcomputer تُحب هذا

02.03.2020. As you might've noticed ILs for 2 categories are back by now. That's it. More won't come. Same sort of ILs will be filled for Doom 2 and eventually Final Doom, but it is a long work. As for why - my short response will be - it's not worth it. If any of you really care for corresponding categories and ILs, please go to doomworld / dsda. Creating more will create more "dust" on this leaderboard which isn't aiming to be full doom speedrunning scene and will never be, due to how limited srcom is for doom needs. For more detail, check this thread listed one post above.

Starting today I will be retroactively removing all runs that don't follow current ruleset, even though in the past the opposite was stated. That is being done to shape things into unified look.

Discord link will be moved from "Discord" tab on srcom into forum post. It is done to help strengthen out the fact that it isn't "Srcom doom speedrunning discord" and is "DSDA/Doomworld discord".


Episode Runs I've been doing this before, but I'm actually gonna cement it into a ruleset and doublecheck all runs in upcoming days:

  • In-Game Time column contains your time up to map 7
  • Real Time column contains your time up to map 8 Reason that is even a thing is due to a fact that compete-n rules, despite being old, and questionably silly, still posed comptetition and are posing up to this very day. It is also impossible for this website to make time columns called differently as then I'd rename RTA to "Episode timing" and IGT to "Compete-N timing". Fact is - both of these columns ARE VALID. Getting WR by ANY of these measurements is a VALID achievement that you should be proud of and it is up to you which one you run. Splitting board more however is not very smart idea, so this is the best solution that can be had.

UPDATE. Additionaly, to stray a bit further away from prehistoric ruleset, default comparison is now Real Time (read "Episode time"). Rules have been adjusted accordingly.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 4 years ago
Coincident المعجبون بهذا

Episode Runs After fiddling with LBs I did clean everything up (hopefully with nothing missing / being wrong). Timings got adjusted, but I still felt like it is a bad look to just have timers be like that, without being able to change their names, so I added Timing Type variable (4 of them in fact, cause I only wanted individual episodes, besides Sigil, to get affected), which represents what column (IGT "CN timing" or RTA "Episodic timing") you had in mind.

All runs in those episodes have been defaulted to CN (which is what most of them have been ran in mind anyway). However you can now have 2 runs in same episode, as this variable's values don't obsolete each other.

I know it is also a bit counter-intuitive that main timing is now "full-episode", yet main value is CN, but that's a process that has to start somewhere. New dsda will have that variable eventually, so I figured we shall stick to it here aswell.

Coincident المعجبون بهذا

Doom II UV Speed ILs have been restored with correct times.

Rules got adjusted to fit into same area as UD.

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New moderation for Classic Doom/Changes coming soon

Hey everyone so I'm gonna make this short because I have to go to work shortly.

I was made a moderator for the Classic Doom's here on SRC, and there's going to be changes.

  1. All IL's/Episode run categories are going to be removed

This is because DSDA exists. There's no logical reason for I

2 years ago
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