Eat all seed (78 Energy) Race pilot duck at far right side of the screen Enter Tourney RDM Boost all races when you see your duck
Enter Training 30 flying (720) Race Silver Duck RDM Tourney boost when you see your duck in the 1st and 3nd race
Enter Training Running 60 Get more than 60 ideally Race Pirate Duck Eat Seed 110 RDM Tourney
Enter Training intellegence 80 (5k) Climbing 60 (2.3k) Swimming 60 (2.5k) Jumping 51 (1.7k) Race Lab coat duck Tourney
Enter Training Running 90 (4ishk) Swimming 84 (2840) Flying 85 (3800) Jumping 67-70 (1640) Race Frozen Duck Tourney
(1st and 3rd duck are a bit more tight due to climbing skip)
After beating the "champ" here are the minigames to go into to max out your levels Running: Freeze Jumping: Terra Flying: Freeze Swimming: Freeze Intelligence: Terra