Dino Crisis Remake
1 year ago

In the year 2143, humanity stands at the brink of extinction due to ecological collapse and dwindling resources. Desperate for a solution, a group of scientists develop groundbreaking technology that allows them to send an ark ala 2012 back in time to a pivotal moment in Earth’s history — the day an asteroid was destined to collide with the planet. Avertion of such event was made with a lazer. Saving remaining civilization in the process. With a second chance to ecologically sustain the new timeline till humanity can fully colonise the outer space, as there were still millions of years of scientific discovery of quantum worlds. As a result, the course of history is forever altered. With the asteroid diverted, the prehistoric creatures that once faced extinction are now free to evolve and thrive.

In this new timeline, a sprawling mega city known as “Epoch Prime” emerges, constructed from futuristic materials that defy aging and decay. Scientists establish a research facility within the city, devoted to monitoring the evolving dinosaurs and unraveling the mysteries of their accelerated development.

As the timeline is punctuated by multiple time jumps spanning millions of years, players traverse various eras within Epoch Prime. The city evolves alongside the dinosaurs, shifting from technological marvel to overgrown jungle to a haunting urban wasteland, all under the watchful gaze of ancient reptilian eyes.

Over eons, the dinosaurs undergo an unforeseen transformation. Through a convergence of chance and biology, they attain sentience. As their intelligence grows, so does their curiosity about the city’s origins and purpose. Eventually, they salvage and adapt the city’s remnants to their own needs, leading to a society that mirrors elements of human civilization.

After a significant temporal leap forward, the research team, now composed of individuals who have spent lifetimes within the time-looping city, find themselves embroiled in a shocking ambush. A new dominant species — a breed of highly evolved reptilian creatures — emerges from the shadows, possessing technological prowess that rivals that of the humans.

The power struggle that ensues is not only a clash of civilizations but also a battle for survival and control. Both humans and the reptilian species vie for dominance over the city, using guerrilla warfare tactics, advanced weaponry, and strategic alliances. The city, once a symbol of human ingenuity, becomes a battleground where the fate of two divergent species hangs in the balance.

As the conflict intensifies, players must make choices that shape the outcome of this struggle. The narrative evolves based on decisions made, alliances forged, and secrets uncovered. Amidst the chaos, players uncover the truth behind the time-travel experiment, the motivations of the reptilian species, and the mysteries that tie the city’s destiny to that of Earth’s distant past.

Thanks to the recent Jurassic World success Capcom is going next Gen deep with the game. A lot of research is being made on the possible evolution of dinos. They mix and mash rare animal attributes with prehistoric dinos to create new species.

“Dino Crisis Remake” combines pulse-pounding survival horror, visceral combat, and strategic decision-making in a world where the past, present, and future collide. It’s a tale of evolution, power, and the consequences of tampering with the threads of time — a reimagining of a classic story that will keep players on the edge of their seats as they navigate the depths of Epoch Prime and the enigmatic reptilian society that calls it home.


written with the help of ChatGPT

xtra2Ez و Kaladere تُحب هذا
United Kingdom

Revan_, Ruimney و 9 آخرون تُحب هذا

Thank you undulationer for your beautiful words, my whole family is touched and we're all contacting Capcom in a minute to show them your ideas.

Farmery87, N0b0dy__23, و pewpewpewletsgo تُحب هذا

pewpewpewletsgo المعجبون بهذا

Chris: Come on, Rom! Get out of the way! I need to finish this speedrun and get my personal best time!

Rom: Sorry, Chris. I can't let you pass.

Chris: What do you mean you can't let me pass? You're just a spider! You can't stop me from completing this run!

Rom: I can and I will. This is my home, and I won't let you disturb it with your silly games.

Chris: But I'm not trying to disturb anything! I just want to beat my personal best time!

Rom: I don't care what you want. You're intruding on my territory, and I won't tolerate it.

Chris: This is ridiculous. I've never heard of a spider getting in the way of someone's speedrun before.

Rom: That's because most people have the common sense to respect other creatures' habitats. You're being selfish and reckless.

Chris: I'm not being selfish or reckless! I just want to beat my personal best time! Is that too much to ask?

Rom: Apparently, it is. You need to learn to respect other living beings, even if they're not human. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a web to spin. Good day, Chris.

Chris: Fine, I'll leave you alone. But don't think I'll forget this, Rom. You're making it impossible for me to get my speedrun PB.

N0b0dy__23 المعجبون بهذا
Nevada, USA

why is there a dino crisis 2, why didnt they fix the crisis the first game smh

Farmery87, DeepStackDave, و N0b0dy__23 تُحب هذا
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Nice text.

written with the help of ChatGPT

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