Diablo Any%(RTA) Guide - Beginner's guide
Diablo Any%(RTA) Guide - Beginner's guide
تم التحديث 8 years ago من Rolken

Diablo 1 Speedrun Guide By Rolken¤ ¤Actually, there is no real work in here that is mine. It is all Funkmastermp and others who have perfected this. I watched the GDQ video and loved it and had to do the run myself. I did this run multiple times and worked out where I didn’t understand things and made notes to make this noob-friendly. Enjoy!

¤¤A quick word on getting the game to work. If you have had any trouble getting the game to run on Windows 10 (like I did), I found that using "DxWnd" to run the program helps a lot - especially when you want to tab in and out without crashing. Install Diablo like normal and then set up DxWnd to run it by importing the Diablo file from the exports folder, modify the script to target where you installed it, and then run. I like full screen and so I modify that too. DxWnd is free too :)

• Start: Pick the Sorcerer o Go to Adria and start duping gold (does anyone not know how?) You need to get up to 60,000.  I find it easiest to dupe using the potions on the belt. If you miss, you can drop the potion and pick it up. It will go back onto the belt.  Dupe using the two potions, buy 4 more. Dupe those, buy a belt full. Dupe those. Fill belt and repeat until you reach the 60k mark. o Buy the following:  A staff of phasing (should be red)  Book of fire wall (6,000 gold)  Book of mana shield (16,000 gold)  At least 2 scrolls of town portal and 1-2 phasing o Read books and fill the remaining space in your inventory with FULL potions of mana o Go to Cathedral

• First few (dozen) floors (1-12) o Go down. When you see stairs, go down. You may need to use phasing to get to lvl 4 stairs. o Get up to character level 2 sometime during floors 1-4 and add the points to magic and equip the phasing staff. o Once you’re level two, you can use fire wall to get your life down to 1-2. Once you’ve done this, cast mana shield. ALWAYS have mana shield on. DO NOT gain any levels until you get to floor 12. When your life is this low, you can’t be stunned by hits – a HUGE advantage when you just want to get past enemies (which is exactly what you’re doing). Remember that you need to recast mana shield every time you go down a floor. o Catacombs suck. Use phasing to jump through walls and enemies. In the caves, the stairs only spawn on walls facing NE or NW, so try going along the top right and top left walls to find them. Sometimes they spawn in the middle. o Once you’ve reached floor 12, town portal back to town.

• Town Time! Part 2. o Go to Adria and buy: (you may need to dupe a bit more depending on the cost of the staff.)  Book of teleport. Easy to identify: Red and costs 20,000  Staff of Wizardry (it adds to magic – 20-30)  Then fill inventory with full mana potions

• The End Game o Kill enemies to until you get up to 105 magic. (Level 10-ish depending on how much magic the staff gives you.) and learn Teleport o Become stun-proof again (by going to dangerously low HP). o Go down, down, down, using teleport to get you there.  When you run into the Warlord of Blood, you can hit “pause” (which is the “P” button) to cut his dialogue and move on down the stairs. o Grab staff for Lazuras and go back to town to show it to Cain. Head back. o Kill Lazuras  Teleport to hit switches. When you get ported into his room, alt-tab out and back in to skip the cut scene.  While Lazuras is talking, cast fire wall on him a few times and teleport to the exit (which is where you came in) when he finishes talking. He will die quite quickly. The “sound” in options needs to be above zero for this to work! Without it, Lazarus won’t talk (It took me a a ridiculously long amount of time to figure this out - like installing all sorts of mods and other programs to run it and crap. ¤Facepalm¤) o Go down to Hell and kill Diablo  Find his room. Teleport in and cast firewall on him as much as possible. You may die, but if he dies to the firewall, YOU WIN! I like to teleport into a corner of the room, it helps reduce the amount of DPS you get.

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