Demon's Souls Any% Melee route guide/notes [only for Console and Emulator 30FPS]
Demon's Souls Any% Melee route guide/notes [only for Console and Emulator 30FPS]
تم التحديث 4 years ago من BertoPlease

My pb with commentary, for video reference:

Start Hunter Skip tutorial

Head to 1-1 Pick up firebombs before first fog gate Break planks holding back boulders Rearrange weapons and items as boulders clear (Long bow on second left hand slot, replace augites with nexial binding) Pull lever for boss gate Pick up turpentine Apply turpentine buff after pulling lever at bottom of tower

Throw 4 firebombs are Phalanx shortly after fog gate Deplete stamina with 2 handed r1 swings, then throw last firebomb Deplete stamina again, pick up item (looking for one shard of hardstone) Rinse repeat until you grab hardstore or boss dies Grab archstone, head to nexus

Buy dagger from blacksmith Head towards monumental on top of nexus Equip dagger on the way to monumental Talk to monumental, then use nexial binding (or load profile) Head to 2-1

(If you didn't get a hardstone in Phalanx, buy a hardstone from the merchant at beginning of level, should have souls if you reloaded, otherwise pop phalanx soul)

Pick up sticky white stuff Shoot jars from far away to let the dogs out early Armor spider skip

Apply a DUPED sticky white stuff to dagger after skip Kill sack miner for large shards and chunks of hardstone Drop down to Flamelurker with the scaffolding Pick up Full Moon Grass near Flamelurker fog Apply sticky white stuff to dagger again (safety dupes recommended)

Flamelurker - aim your one handed daggers hits at legs/arms/back to stagger him with whole stamina bar

Dragon God -

Break first set of rubble Heal behind the pillar to reset his aggro Run at second set of rubble Ballista

Do a small skip to drop to bottom faster Head towards next rubble and break (go back slightly and heal behind pillar to deaggro if he > roars when or before you're breaking it) Break last set of rubble Ballista

Pick up Master' ring and equip Apply sticky white stuff in ledge in front of Dragon god to cancel buff animation Two handed - 3 hits, 3 hits, 3 hits, 1 hit Remove helmet and shirt Grab archstone, head to nexus

Pop Dragon God soul Storage dupe shards, large shards, and chunks of hardstone Upgrade Battle Axe to +9, Long Bow to +8 (+9 recommended) Level up with Maiden in Black - ENDURANCE to 15, STRENGTH to 34 Head to 3-1 Pick up 3F Key Use Nexial Binding Back to 3-1 Open door to right of archstone Load profile

Latria skip Arrow skip PICK UP CLEVER RAT RING WHILE PERFORMING ARROW SKIP, WHILE ALSO TAKING DAMGE TO SET UP CLEVER RAT RING Head towards Fools Idol reviver, shoot him with bow in CRR (clever rat ring) range from door Drop down to ground level, careful of black phantom and your heal when dropping Set up CRR range if not already in it

Fool's Idol - 2handed - R1 R1 R2 R2 Remove rest of armor before going to 3-2

Skip archstone Run all the way to top of first set of spiraling stair cases in central tower Load profile

If health too low to survive a fall, heal with crescent moon grass on first elevator Kill 4 guys holding first chain Trigger elevator to go down, exit it, walk on top of it Could heal here as well, then roll off elevator when at safe height Load profile before bridge, careful of centipede enemies

Re-equip all armor on the second elevator going up Hug back corner of elevator (gargoygle on top of elevator should just fall as a result) Kill 4 guys holding second chain Set up CRR if not already in it (counter hit from mindflayer explosion at full health)

Maneaters - Use turpentine as first Maneater walks towards you

Pick up Full Moon Gress on higher maneater bridge Apply turnpentine before first mindflayer for quicker Old Monk death animation (Alternatively, could just backstab Old Monk on last hit for quick deth animation as well)

Old Monk - 2h R1s, last hit should be backstab if not fire buffed Nexial Bind

Go to 5-1 Slope quit out skip Knock down bridge, cross fog gate Kill spear goblin before bridge Roll push bugs away from bridge Shoot both spear goblins ON bridge

Leechmonger - buff cancel with ledge again, turnpintine, 2h R1 till dead (recommend to have 3/4 to full health) Second slope quit out skip (hard to pull of consistently)

Head towards two items close to each other in swamp Toggle 1 hand and 2 hand while running in swamp Pick up cat ring (careful of black phantom) Pick up black turpentine Pick up Royal Lotus before fog gate (if black phantom is too close, skip) Pick up thief ring Use royal lotus when in CRR range (or pick up royal lotus before next fog gate, then use) Replace Master's ring with thief ring at fog gate

Dirty Colossus -

Replace Thief ring with Master's ring at boss fog Apply black turpentine shortly after Avoid breaking colossus' wooden arm to avoid random mosquito waves 2h R1 until dead Carefully drop down to Maiden while still in CRR

Maiden Astrea -

Bait an attack from Garl and roll behind him to backstab (2handed) 4 2h R1s FULL HEAL WITH FULL MOON Talk to Astrea Nexial Bind

Go to 4-1 Hill skip (if you dare) Otherwise head to fog gate, load profile if low health and surrounded by skeletons at fog Shrine of storms skip (Could grab regen ring, very optional) If not in CRR range, use arrow trap to set it up (2 direct arrow hits at full health, make sure to toggle escape them)

Adjudicator -

2 1handed hits on his torso sword 2 2handed r1s, 1 2h r2

Click floor switch, head to illusory wall Old Hero skip

Storm King -

Kill 6 small mantarays with bow (should still be in CRR) Equip thief ring, run to appropriate location and prep 8 arrow shots to kill Storm King Nexial bind

Head to 1-2 Load profile at beginning of tunnel for transition warp Uneqip thief ring on way to bridge Load profile after crossing barrels in tunnel Equip thief ring at fog gate Apply black turpentine on DAGGER before boss

Tower knight -

3 1h r1's from dagger on each leg Switch to axe, 3 2h r1s Grab archstone

Load profile after rolling fire boulders Set up CRR at crossbow guys (two counter hits while full health??? might wanna remove top two pieces of armor) (for safely getting past 3 spear knights, I slow down and hold my shield up and wait to far two right ones to bounce off of it, THEN I run past) Replace thief ring with master's ring before boss

Penetrator - Bait the dash swing, roll past, 4 2h r1s if staggered, repeat once Replace thief ring with master's ring Keep CRR

On dragon bridge, stall slightly after running past second fat official before running Before next dragon segment, have full stamina and start running after the first column on the right Let go of run for a fraction of second, then run again when dragon shifting spots Running 1h r1 on Ostrava to stop him from attacking (If you have regen ring and would like some padding from allant, restore hp to 184 or below) Unequip everthing but black turpentine and nexial binding, re-equip armor if needed

Allant -

Apply black turpentine on stairway only punish explosion attack or his dash attack, recommended 2 or 3 2h r1s Nexial bind

Talk to Maiden in Black Unequip all armor at fog gate if needed

True allant -

4 2h r1s in his face, tank one hit while applying blak turpentine 4 2h r1s, tank a hit, should be in CRR Finish him off Walk to shiny light to bring maiden Rolling r1 to kill maiden, then nexial bind, ending the run

On console, you will require to log in to the servers and check ingame time in the Pantheon. For emulator, the split timer ending after the nexial bind is enough.

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