Deltarune is a role-playing video game developed by Toby Fox. The player controls a teenage human, Kris, who is destined to save the world together with Susie, a monster, and Ralsei, a prince from the Dark World. During their quest to seal the "Dark Fountains" prophesied to end the world, the group meets the inhabitants of the "Dark World", some of whom try to stop them. The combat system is based on bullet hell attacks the player must dodge. Similar to Undertale, enemy encounters can be resolved peacefully or through violence.
Mod Note: imagine having a 26 LOL
About a month ago, there was a community poll held in the discord to add IGT to Deltarune. After a close poll of about 70 to 5, we have added the use of IGT to the game. This IGT only makes a difference to the All Chapters categories, removing the time spent switching between chapter 1 and chapter 2