[Release] DOOM Speedrun-Helper
8 years ago
Hamburg, Germany

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[quote="README"] Usage:

¤Press Ctrl+(F1-F4) to save up to 4 locations
¤Press F1-F4 to restore those locations
¤Press F5 to enable unlimited ammo
¤Press F6 to enable invincibility
¤Press NUMPAD-ADD to raise FOV
¤Press NUMPAD5 to enable Fly-Mode

-	-Fly-Mode-
	¤Press WASD to fly around
	¤Press SPACE/Control to gain or loose height

¤Press F1-F10 to change between 10% and 100% Res-Scale
¤Press F11 to change to pleb-pc mode at 1% Res-Scale

¤Press HOME/POS1 to change between modes
¤Press END to close the tool


Written by Instagibz, visit me or leave me a follow on www.twitch.tv/instagibz Start the game first, and then go ahead and start the tool You can specify starting mode in the config file Also you can specifiy hotkeys in the config file, see "Virtual-Key Codes.html" for a list of keys This tool works for the Vulkan-Version of the game The tool acquires offsets on-the-fly, means it will survive game patches Dont cheat in speedruns, i will hunt you down - NSA backdoor is implemented, im watching - Kappa

Changelog: v666.3 - 05/04/2018 : Added customizable hotkeys for flymode v666.2 - 02/04/2018 : Fixed flymode to actually fly where you look, fixed FOV not changing correctly using the hotkeys v666.1 - 02/04/2018 : Fixed tool not grabbing correct offsets on latest 4k chroma update v666 - 22/02/2018 : Fixed severe spelling issue in the welcome screen, added VERY comprehensive GUI and helpful tutorial video v1.5 - 11/01/2017 : Added customizable hotkeys, added option to disable "BEEP BOOP BEEP", added position logging v1.4 - 09/12/2016 : Updated to work with latest DOOM update "6,1,1,1201", which removed DENUVO Anti-Tampering v1.3 - 26/11/2016 : Replaced Fov-Signature with a better working one, added Fly-Mode v1.2 - 25/11/2016 : Added Fov-Slider, minor bugfix v1.1 - 25/11/2016 : Added Res-Scale Options v1.0 - 25/11/2016 : Initial release[/quote]

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 6 years ago
تم الحذف
و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
Hamburg, Germany

released v1.5 @ 11/01/2017 : Added customizable hotkeys, added option to disable "BEEP BOOP BEEP", added position logging

guacodile, twelfthdoc, و CreeperHntr تُحب هذا
Colorado, USA

When I try and run the program it says "error obtaining offsets". I've tried restarting many times. Are there any settings or other things I might be doing that interfere with this? (I'm in vulcan, windowed mode (OBS won't work in full screen)). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

United States

I had that issue once too. I did a bunch of stuff, nothing worked then I shut off my computer and turned it on the next day and it worked. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I don't really know what to say but I guess you can try just waiting.

Colorado, USA

I had to run it as an administrator. Turns out it was a permissions thing.


When using the resolution scale changer, nothings seems to happen in the game. It says that it has changed it in the console. Any reason to why this is?

United States

make sure your in game res scale isn’t set to 100%


Oh I see... Hmm should probably be mentioned that it can't change it if the game it self has it set to 100%. But thanks.


I'm getting the same issue, i don't have my in game res scale to 100% but it still won't work even though the console said it changed. What should i do?

Hamburg, Germany

Are you using the OGL Version of the game?


Yeah, i figured running it in Vulkan would affect the framerate, if i have to run it in Vulkan i'll give it a try.


Alright it worked using Vulkan, don't know why it didn't work with OGL. Thanks for the tip!

United Kingdom

I can get some of the commands to work but once I've changed out of fly mode I just remain in the air. How do I continue playing after I've used fly mode?

Edit: It's all good. Just had to start it in trainer mode using the config file.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 7 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

Can't get the Resolution scaler to work in OGL; Vulkan isnt an option, tips?


you have to set your resolution scale manually to 99% first iirc, but I don't know if it works with openGL

United States

i don't think it works with opengl. why aren't you able to use vulcan?

Oklahoma, USA

My GPU is a 570 which can run the game at 60fps in OGL but sadly is the latest Vulcan unsupported series of Nvidia cards ;~;

United States

well...if you're only getting 60 fps to begin with then getting to 200 might not be doable...

United States

well...if you're only getting 60 fps to begin with then getting to 200 might not be doable...

Oklahoma, USA

with all the optimizations i do when im trying to do a run i get to about 130

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Merging of Any% sub-categories.

Hey everyone,

For anyone who is not in the MDSR Discord:

We have decided to merge the sub-category 'difficulties' for Any%: Classic/Nightmare/Ultra-Nightmare. This is mainly due to recent developments in the Any% run and Ultra-Nightmare now technically being the fastest difficulty to run Any%

1 year ago
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