Category ideas
4 years ago
Meath, Ireland

Hi. I think it would be good if you had sub-categories for each category where you had to complete, win, lose, complete with the aid of bookmarks, or master each game (100%?). I also think there should also be rules for each category written in the rules section (e.g. is chess a sport? Is hanafuda a card game? Is sliding puzzle a board game?) Let me know if you think this is a good idea or just over complicating things. Thanks

Texas, USA

Yes, the categories should be defined.

MinecraftGaming المعجبون بهذا
United States

Hey Wilko, thanks for taking interest.

Realize that we have had a community long before the game came out, and had a temporary leaderboard since the games launch. As a community, we agreed on certain rules and categories. However, Wipeout and I worked a combined 10 hours last night after the leaderboard got accepted moving runs and setting up the leaderboard. We are also hosting a Clubhouse Games tournament during all of this, so rules weren't the first thing on our minds. It is my plan today between 6 tournament matches and my own runs to get some rough rules packages up.

In terms of categories. EVERY SINGLE GAME is under the Level Leaderboard. Here, you have times to Win, Finish (anything but win), and Master each game. Though I am not Wipeout, I can probably explain why the others wouldn't be added.

Win is already added Complete/Lose both fall under finish Complete with aid of bookmarks would end up being a menu fest. The fastest times would be setting up a bookmark one move before finishing the game. Mastering each game is already added.

Some things to keep in mind. All Games - Win / All Bronze Medals - However we are going to name this category, maybe they are still seperate categories, is still in the works. We have runs to base it on, but we are still working on the the details.

For terms of what games fall under certain game packages (All Sports, All Card Games), we follow the Clubhouse Games Trailer. Again, we all agreed one what games to be played back when the game launched thanks to the trailer.

Again, leaderboard isn't even 24 hours old, there are two of us on top of the personal runs, tournament matches, and the other leaderboards we moderate. Please be patient with us while we finish setting up the leaderboards. If you ever have any questions over ruling or any of the runs, stop by the discord to ask us. :)


Zennan المعجبون بهذا
United States

What about adding a Master section to the "All Board/Sports/Card Games" runs?

Seattle, WA, USA

What about a "Win All Games" category?

Maryland, USA

I think all guides % where you play all the games for each guide once

Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

this has been asked about multiple times and it hasnt been added due to lack of intrest and point

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