في إنتظار التحقق
تم الانتهاء
  • $250 shall be awarded to the runner with the fastest verified run time, $150 to the runner in 2nd place, and $100 to the runner in 3rd place.
  • All awards shall be in cash payable by bank transfer.
  • Run shall be verified to be in compliance with run rules (see below) and judged by Speedrun.com moderators and staff
  • Run must be performed between challenge start and end dates
  • Run must remain submitted throughout verification process; if run is deleted before verification and payout are complete, run/user is disqualified
  • Runs that are eligible for prize winnings must be live streamed, with a VOD attached somewhere in the submission form.
  • Void where prohibited
  • Not open to citizens of North Korea, Syria, Sudan, Cuba, and Venezuela
  • Winners may be required to submit identify verification in order to claim prize
  • Personal information gathered will only be used to contact winners and/or notify participants of associated prizes.  Speedrun.com’s full privacy policy can be found here: https://www.speedrun.com/pages/privacy-policy
  • Runs must be submitted here.  Note that this is NOT the regular Rocket Racing game page and leaderboard, this is a challenge board. Runs submitted to the regular leaderboard are not counted as entries for the Speedrun Challenge.  
  • Entries must be submitted by 11:59 PM UTC February 25, 2024.
  • No purchase necessary
  • Please post questions around contest and run rules in the Rocket Racing Speedrun Challenge forum post, found here: https://www.speedrun.com/forums/tournaments_and_races/gr3cb

Alright, the prize-eligible runs have been verified and the Expert Tracks challenge is now complete! Thank you all for participating, it was fun as always! You can view the challenge winners in the widget below :)

To the prize winners, you will be receiving emails regarding prize distribution soon. Emails will be sent to your email address associated with your Speedrun.com account, if this is an issue please DM me so we can sort out the proper email!

المكانالجائزة (USD)اللاعبون
المركز الأول
المركز الثاني
المركز الثالث
معلومات التحدي
وقت البدء
2024-02-16 00:00
وقت الانتهاء
2024-02-26 00:00
المدة الزمنية
1 week, 3 days
جائزة مالية
متابعو اللعبة
تم إعتماد السرعة
جائزة المشاركة
عنوان: "Rocket Racer"
ما هو تحدي؟

التحديات هي مسابقات في السرعة تحدد مدة زمنية لها.

تعمل بطريقة مشابهة لوحدات القياس العادية باستثناء إمكانية تقديم سجل السرعة يسمح في إطار زمني محدد فقط.

قد تتميز التحديات بمواضيع فريدة، قواعد مختلفة، أو أهداف تختلف عن الفئات العادية. إنها فرصة لاستكشاف جوانب مختلفة من اللعبة أو للاحتفال بأحداث محددة، أو اكتشافات، أو معالم مجتمعية.

ما هو مسابقة؟

المسابقات هي تحديات خاصة يستضيفها فريق Speedrun.com قد توفر مبالغ مالية وفوائد أخرى.