Automatic in-game timer via LiveSplit
Automatic in-game timer via LiveSplit
نُشرت 2 days ago من

There is now a LiveSplit plugin to automatically measure in-game time for emulator runs. To simplify the timing process, this will now be required for all new emulator runs - though old runs are unaffected.

The benefit of this is that runs will not be affected by emulator lag, so it will be more fair for everyone. Moreover, this in-game time for emulator runs can be directly comparable to the real time of console runs.

Before doing a run, please review the game rules, which go into more detail about how to set up the timer and further restrictions thereof.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in this thread or on Discord.

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Automatic in-game timer via LiveSplit

There is now a LiveSplit plugin to automatically measure in-game time for emulator runs. To simplify the timing process, this will now be required for all new emulator runs - though old runs are unaffected.

The benefit of this is that runs will not be affected by emulator lag, so it will be mor

2 days ago
الجولات الأخيرة
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نُشرت 2 days ago