Rule changes
8 years ago
Colorado, USA

In any%, there is no information about whether glitches or cheats are allowed, or if you have to start on a new save file.

In 100%, the category would take way too long to run. Even buying all items will take at lot of grinding for them. However, I think that 100% is still a viable category, if it is changed to something different (all bonus rounds?)

In addition, there should be leaderboards for different characters, as they are drastically different from each other in playstyle.

Finally, there should be level leaderboards. It would be quite a bit of fun to grind out some IL times, and it would mean I wouldn't need a timer, since I could rely on the game timer that keeps track of the time for each level.

I really want to run this game, but I don't feel like I can until the rules are solid. Your help would be much appreciated :P

Arizona, USA

Hi, I'm in charge of the Epic Battle Fantasy series of games. I read what you have to say, and decided you put tons of thought into this game. I honestly have never beaten bullet heaven. So i have made you a moderator, you may change around the leaderboards as you please, as i already stated i have never actually gotten very far into it, and don't know much about it. (I haven't put enough time into it)

Also why i do think your pictures show very good proof, i would actually like to see a video for runs, they're 1.) Easier to tell if they're legit, albeit longer to watch the whole thing, seeing as it takes you over an hour, and perhaps you don't have the ability to upload a full run in one video, which that is okay if that's true. 2.) I've never seen a run of it, i imagine it's cool.

Btw Glitches ARE allowed in any%

And yes it took me until now to find this, my apologies.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
United States

This is a leaderboard that would work very, very well with subcategories. I'd be willing to set up the boards in more detail in accordance with the below, as well as add the ILs for each level in each world.

Any% | 100% (Standard category split) Base | Expansion (Standard version split) Unrestricted Difficulty | Heavenly (Standard difficulty split) Invincibility | Cheats | No Cheats New Game | New Game+ (Only an option for any%- would still take playing through all 50 normal levels in order, but with all handicaps/cheats/weapons/characters available)

As it currently stands, the board is a bit of a mess- especially the IL section that has one world set up- that, and there's no board for individual level times. Further, the timing rules are not currently defined, and for the individual world run, it does not state whether the bonus boss must be done, or if the levels can be done in any order.

If the game ran smoother on my laptop, I'd probably have given a run a try here. Still might for any% since I could stick with Normal there, and that should avoid lagging.

Also: 100%ing the game on Heavenly took me around 15 hours spread out over a couple weeks. Getting a star rank on Akron took around an hour of that alone- it's a very high skill floor for a run and I don't think I'd be willing to go through that again, personally. I'm currently 38th on the overall scoreboards- and that's without any scoring attempts beyond going for some 3 star ranks. I think that shows I know the game reasonably well :P

edit: and since it's more likely to be seen here, Bullet Heaven 1 has Epic difficulty categories. The game doesn't have difficulty settings- someone should fix that.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
Arizona, USA

Like i have said, i do not know too much about this game, i'm just a fan of the series. any one who is more knowledgeable, or good at it would be great for being in charge of the Leaderboards. I have granted you permission

United States

Thanks! Fixing the IL section was a pain and I accidentally removed the 2 Heavenly IL runs while doing so- just glad I got to do so before many more runs were submitted.

Had to move all the runs that were under "World 1, any%" to an unused category so I could actually move them all where they needed to be moved...

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
Colorado, USA

Sorry for the late reply, and good job to you Ihavenoname :)

Anyhow, I don't really mind the two deleted runs as they were done with cheats anyways (not my favorite category anymore), and the system is MUCH better now.

Also, the only ones I was really worried about was the all cheats and handicaps, especially considering I get only ~1,000 money per run on 10-4, meaning that there would be a lot of pointless grinding. But I'm more experienced now so I've realized that a lot of speedruns have that. Still would probably take 4-5 hours though.

Finally, I've added a variable for multiplayer, because that might be fun. (It's not in the 100% category)

United States

There's less grinding than you'd think for 100% (at least, for the expansion version)- unlocking everything costs 385,000 coins. Collecting every medal (except the one for all cheats/handicaps) requires 100,000 from enemies and awards 275,000 total- that's only 10,000 left to make up.

Survival levels also give a lot of coins- I don't know what the best way of farming coins is, but I suspect if I ever make an attempt, that won't be an issue.

Getting a star rank on Akron on Heavenly will -_-

Colorado, USA

Yeah that's my other only possible complaint is the extreme difficulty.

Also, you should include Natalie in the bosses before Pryhanna (however you spell that).

It's still going to take at least 3 if not 4 hours, considering that my any% run included cheats. I'm not willing to sit through that right now, but if you want to go ahead.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
United States

Phyrnna only needs to beat 3 bosses, Natalie needs 2,000 graze. I figured that it'd be better to double up the grazing with the pacifist part of the run, since you have to do 5 levels and at least one boss.

I'll go mess with Natalie vs. Akron though, see if the damage rushing makes getting a star rank easier. edit: it doesn't, especially because the method requires tanking hits and you need diamonds for a good rank. In turn, that also makes the strategy useless for earlier bosses because, well, you need that star rank!

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
United States

The short-lived "50%" category has been changed to "100% No Heavenly Requirement" and placed under Misc. categories.

The goal here is to have a category that captures what 100% is, without the obscene difficulty and the money grinding removing these medals would add. As usual, this is subject to change if a better definition can be found.

Colorado, USA

I started to run the 100% No Heavenly Requirement, and it turns out that it's impossible to get 5 million points in the base game if you aren't on heavenly -_- So I'm going to add 10 mil points and 5 mil points to the list of medals you don't have to get.

Also, I was an hour and a half in and got to World 4. ¤sigh¤

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
United States

Conceded on 10 million but not on 5 million.

Matt, Titan Blade, 1-1, all handicaps except Pacifist on.

Colorado, USA

I kinda forgot about handicaps. Guess that medal's gonna be like the last one on my route.

Colorado, USA

When I changed the players to 4 in the categories, I noticed that it obsoletes my other runs in the same category with different variables, rendering me unable to submit heavenly runs. I can only think of one solution: Make the other vars separate categories (sigh)

If anyone can find a better solution, that would be great!

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
United States

Current solution: Player split is a category for any%, any% NG+ and ILs. It is not a split for either completion category, due to the medals requiring multiple players. If it turns out mattering, a split can be added later but I don't believe it will be. 100% is difficult enough that only a few dozen people have met the requirement casually, and the no heavenly requirement version, though much easier, will still probably have less interest than any% or the ILs.

Difficulties: Runs are not obsoleted across subcategories- the way the site handles ILs with subcategories is that it only shows the time for default settings (currently 1P, normal, no cheats) on the level leaderboard page and your profile. Other runs are not considered obsolete and can be viewed by going to the page in question- for example, go to World 1, Level 1, Heavenly (and make sure Expansion runs are showing) and you'll find that I have a 1:08 there currently. Under normal, I have an 0:58. Neither is considered obsolete.

تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب 8 years ago
Colorado, USA

Then why can't I submit this without it being obsolete? It's a Heavenly, World 1 Level 1, just like yours, but I can't seem to get it up there.

United States

I submitted it on your behalf- my best guess would be you didn't set the difficulty to Heavenly on the submission page. (from edit run on my run)

Colorado, USA

whoops.. Guess I didn't check that... 3 times. Thanks man.

Colorado, USA

I'm adding a "get a star rank" category to the levels, as a fun and interesting way to practice for 100%.

Colorado, USA

Never mind, I realize now with more thought that it's basically the same as Any% anyways. :( Removing it now.

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