What are the rules for 100%, exactly?
9 years ago
Madison, WI, USA

Beat Ky? All items? If all items, does that mean you need to have one of every material left over after crafting everything?

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

I'd guess 100% would be all items crafted, all spells obtained and beat the optional boss? (Ky on ??? floor) That way you would do pretty much everything on the game. Unless you want to consider 100% being all achievments, in that case there would be extra tasks to be done, with the timer stopping after you beat Mir for the second time (requesite for the secret ending).

Would be nice if there where any% categories separated in the 4 difficulties of the game. Although normal is the default, there might be some good player who would play hard or Spazmodic for some reason. Comparing a run on normal and one on hard would differ quite a lot imo, hence the ideia of separating categories.

Massachusetts, USA

I actually drafted some notes for 100% years ago - around the time I routed any%. I'm pretty sure there are actual strats now, though, so the notes might be obsoleted. Can drop a pastebin link if anyone is interested.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Someone on another thread showed interest in the 100% run, so fell free to drop a link for it under the guides section, the more resources the better!

Massachusetts, USA

Awesome! I've dropped the pastebin link there - I really need to get back to running this in the future :P

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