4 years ago
Derbyshire, England

Hi there. I notice the only category available right now involves hacking the game. Is it possible to get a category for runs which play the game that was made, instead of messing with registries to corrupt it?

HexTree المعجبون بهذا
Minnesota, USA

I'm also curious about this. And now that there are new expansions in the game would that mean separate categories depending on what expansions are enabled?


I'd also be interested in the answers of your questions. I don't get how the game is "hacked", could you specify it more clearly? @FutureForce14

Since there seems to be an autosplitter to remove loadtimes: Could we get that as a resource for download?

Also I think it's a bit unclear to me why the Tutorial is not considered part of the game. It'd make more sense to me to allow a direct start without starting a "custom campaign".

I'm also curious about the segmented run rules. Since it's my first time looking into a possibly segmented speedgame I'll gather some experience before asking questions.


Yikes, the current ruleset seems a bit of a convoluted mess at the moment. This is going to discourage runners from playing.

I definitely agree with not allowing third party speed-hacks, that kind of defeats the point of speedrunning and is not really what this website is about.

Segmented runs shouldn't be mixed with single-segment runs on the leaderboard. This creates a problem of legitimacy. Ideally it should just be single-segment, or make an additional misc category for the segmented runs if people want to practice before running single-segment.

Leaderboard shouldn't be ranked by LRT time if there isn't an autosplitter available. Better stick to RTA until there is one.

There is only one category, fixed at 'Normal/Default' settings with stringent requirements on the options. Considering that this takes several hours to complete, I think it would be better to simplify things and have a straightforward 'Any%' category which requires beating the campaign with whatever options the runner wishes.

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نُشرت 1 year ago
نُشرت 4 years ago