new category
1 year ago

can we get a randomizer category thats not vanilla so all items would be randomize, only keys maps and compass would be static for the dungeons so you can still progress through the dungeon .

actually, if we could add keysanity as a subcategory that'd be nice too^^"

United States

The categories that appear on the board are not meant to be a curated list of what we think people should compete on, but are rather meant to be a reflection of how the community is already competing. We receive many questions about whether we can add a category, and the answer is often the same: if you are interested in competing in a category that is not reflected on the boards, than compete in it and if enough people join you in competition than we will work to determine the best way to reflect that category on the boards somewhere.

In regards to blind rando, the main reason that we have not yet done so is because the community does not conduct serious competition around who has the fastest time in blind randomized seeds. In SRC racing days of yore, we would incidentally track who had finished a randomized seed the "fastest." Although many memes were posted about it, no one took that metric seriously, and no one seriously competed in that way. I imagine a large part of why few took it seriously is because an enormous part of what determined the "WR" time was how "jet" the seed was. And if there were serious competition around this category, it would mean playing the seed in an absolutely non-optimal way from a live race perspective and YOLOs coupled with frequent resetting would the optimal strategy. It would involve a lot of resetting if you didn't get a jet seed.

I can imagine other ways the community may be interested in racing a shuffled seed, however.

For example, in the past there have been multiple efforts to determine the theoretical fastest shuffled seed, and I believe people have actually run some of those seeds (or more accurately, not exactly a "seed", but a customized set of items in specific locations). And there has been a similar effort to determine the "fewest item locations" seed. Static runs like this might be a way we see meaningful competition around a "shuffled" seed, even if the shuffling in these particular cases would be curated.

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