Haunted Halls of Wentworth in 6m 29s 200ms by
N8 Everdrive Rev A
[[ Mod Note: Framecounted to 6m 29s 200ms. For future submissions please include a level reset before the run which can be performed by pressing START then SELECT to ensure no savestates were used. GG. ]]
لائحة المتصدرين
Haunted Halls of Wentworth
ROM type
Rev A

6m 29s 200ms

تقسيمات الوقت
مقدم من Splits.io
# | الاسم | تقسيمة | انتهى في |
1 | Act 1 | 1m 30s 007ms | 1m 30s 007ms |
2 | Act 2 | 2m 25s 144ms | 3m 55s 151ms |
3 | Act 3 | 2m 35s 701ms | 6m 30s 852ms |
New mods, retiming runs, and adding missing VODs
This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.
We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre
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