Assassin's Creed Console Guide
Assassin's Creed Console Guide
تم التحديث 6 years ago من Gamesmasher_Jay

Turotial: The gentle push segment looks like you need to line it up properly to get through the women with the jars. Wait until a gap forms. The blend segment looks like you can run a little before and after you get a little past the guards.

Solomon's Temple: After Robert throws you and you go up the beams and on the 3rd beam run up the wall and jump towards the platform you usually climb up. Then climb up the 3rd line of stones to the exit. Once at Masyaf run towards the path on the left to the headquarters. After the attack starts make a straight line towards the bottom of the village. Don't fight anyone on the way down. When you get to the booby trap part run towards the beams and as you're climbing up the walls jump to any beams you see next to you.

Masayaf: The village market is in the same route you took in the last sequence. Just keep jumping down hanging right towards the pile of hay. After evesdropping go right and head towards your next objective. To pickpocket just blend and as soon as he starts walking get behind him an pickpocket him. After that go straight towards the pile of hay and climb up the ladder, then go right towards the next objective. Beat the dude's butt immediately.

Damascus 1: After talking to Al Mualim hang off the balcony then drop and roll. Skip the tutorial and head from Damascus. Once in kingdom ride up to the first eagle tower and jump off your horse while sprinting, climb up then do the view thing. Then ride for Damascus. Once there save the citizen, you can easily assassinate anyone by grabbing them and throwing them and killing them once they hit the ground. Jump onto the saved scholar and lock on to him to avoid the talking sequence. Then assassinate the guard closest to the gate then run left, wait for the guards to check on him then go through. Keep going straight and go right at the first merchant shop you see. Start the pickpocket mission. Then turn around and head back make a right on the road, head straight and make a left past the save citizen. Right at the hay then sit on the bench and evesdrop. Then exit the memory and go back in. Talk to the beaurau keeper and during the loading screen point the control stick up and climb up. Run on the rooftops toward your target. After the cut scene run over the pond and assassinate your target. Run back to the beaurau.

Acre 1: Once you leave Masayaf and go to Kingdom exit the memory then go back in. Once at Acre climb up the left side of the entrance to get in. Once in hang left and under the platform there should be a bench. Jump down and sit on it and evesdrop on the 2 guards. Once done run left towards the hay and go straight. Make the first left. Once you see a obelisk go straight and climb up the wall with beams towards the market. Enter the market from the roof, should be immediately in your sight. Once you see the pickpocket mission jump, trigger the mission, blend and pickpocket the man. Then exit and reload memory. Once in the beaurau talk to the keeper. While it's loading hop across and head towards your target. In the castle there's an open window. Make the leap in then hang left, you should see your target. Get behind him then hit him with your sword while counting Mississippi. Then get out, you will have to throw guards out the doorway then counter kill the first guard that strikes you from the doorway. After the talking scene hit the closest wall and climb out the window you came in. Then head back to the bureau. Once done fast travel to Masayaf, talk to Al Mualim then head to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem 1: Once in Kingdom fast exit then re enter the memory. Once back in go straight and hang left till you hit Jerusalem. Once you get there approach the gate and stealth assassinate the guard on the left then run across to the right and hide from the guards. Once they start walking to the downed guard get inside and go straight. Once you see the interrigation mission on your right start it. Turn around from the interrigation mission, then Go up the stairs in front of you on your left. Right at the fork, left at the stairs. The informant will be on your left. Leave the memory then go back in once informant mission is done. Talk to the bureau keeper. Once it loads climb up then jump backwards and run to your target. After the warehouse cut scene run up the wall you're looking at on your right, climb up then run up the next wall but jump across to climb on the chandelier. Then head towards the ladder. Once outside jump to where you are facing. Then head left towards the stairs, your target will jump down so wait for him then assassinate him. Run back to the bureau but make sure you ditch the guards first.

Damascus 2: Once you enter head right from the entrance towards the river, keep going until you reach the a bench with some a leper, sit at the bench and evesdrop on the 2 men. Once done head left up the stairs then jump across the river. Go down the alley straight ahead. Jump up the wall on your right. Climb it and hop over the gate. Climb over the second gate ahead and head left. Sit on the bench and start the evesdropping mission. Once done head back down the alley you came in from. Left at the hay, right down the stairs. Then left once through the gate. Keep going straight then head right toward the market. Once in the market start the pickpocket mission on your left. It should be halfway through the market. Once done exit the memory than re enter. Once at the targets mansion hang right. Assassinate the lone red guard you see on your left. Then head to the entranceway on the left side of the mansion. Grab the left guard and throw him into the mansion area. The other guard should run. Wait until he goes into the archway then high profile assassinate him to kill your target. Once the memory is done kill one civilian, then throw the other outside. Once he gets close enough high profile assassinate him then head back to the bureau. Make sure you don't move Altair closer because you won't do the leap assassination and you will be stuck and will have to reset the memory.

Acre 2: From the entrance head up to the fountain then go right. Hang right then make a left at the save citizen. Keep going straight while hanging right then climb up the ladder behind the hay. Run straight across the rooftops and climb down to the street on the right. Start the pickpocket mission in on your left, should be a guard and another man talking. Once turn around from the mission done head up the stairs and go right. Keep going straight and there will be a pickpocket mission on your left. From there walk left towards the hay, then right, then left again, then right again, then left. Keep going straight from there. Climb up the building when the road ends. Then run across to the roof on your left. Then head right from there and jump to the building with the roof garden. Then head towards the big castle building and start the pickpocket mission. Once done exit memory then go back in. Climb up once it loads then head right towards your target. Go towards the first informant mission, left at the fountain. Right at the archway, left at the tree, first right up the stairs then left past the merchant stands. Hang right and keep going past the hay, then go straight, once you see the wooden platform climb up it. Then climb up the building then go straight and go left, once you jump down go right. Once at the castle climb up the far left side. You can keep crawling right but don't fall because you will trigger the cut scene and mess everything up. Once over the wooden platform jump right then ledge catch the beam, climb up. Then jump backwards, then run up the wall jump in that direction again. Climb up then run up the wall then jump right, once ur on the hanging platform climb up the building. Once you are on top jump down and ledge catch the building. Then jump right towards the army of soldiers. Kill the soldier on the far left and you're done. You can run through the gate, hang left a little towards the alley. Left after the alley. Then first right you see then sharp left. Keep going straight while hanging left then right at the merchant stand. Then first left. Right past the stairs. Left at the archway, straight while hanging right at the fountain, left at the stairs then first right. Run towards the fountain and you're at the bureau.

Jerusalem 2: From the entrance Head straight, left at the hay, then right when it forks. Then left at the wooden structure by the stairs. Go straight past the stand and right BEFORE the stairs. Left at the fork. Go straight for a bit then at the building take the stairs on the right. Go straight and start the pickpocket mission on your left. Once done turn around and run past the stairs and wooden crates. Go straight and make a right at the next set of crates. The next pickpocket mission is on your left by the shop. Once done turn around and head go back where you came. Climb up the wooden structure on your right then jump across the beams on your left. Go straight and circle around the building and sit on the bench on tour left and start the evesdropping mission. Exit then re enter memory. Once the assassination mission starts head straight. Hang left and climb up the small piece of wall on your left. Head left from there and start the mission. You can try to assassinate him immediatly but if that fails just grab and throw and assassinate him. Once done head straight. Then right up the stairs. Then left past the stairs. Right at the bench. Then run up towards the platforms on the right to get up the building. Head straight past the bureau then hide in the orange hiding area. Once done head back into the bureau and finish the chapter.

Acre 3: From the entrance head left immediately. Then left again. Then right at the hay then left after the road opens. Keep going straight then make a left at the save citizen. Then right at the first alley. Then right once you're out the alley. Make the first left, then climb up the wall in front of the save citizen then go left towards the roof garden. Go straight then hang left towards the archway then jump down. Head straight then sit on the bench on your left and start the evesdropping mission. Once done head straight back through the archway and down the stairs. Left when it forks, Then right at the sacks. Right once your down the stairs then left at the building when it forks. Right at the fork. Then right at the save citizen. Go straight for a bit then left after the stairs on the right. then start the pickpocket mission on your right. Once done head left from the pickpocket mission. Right when it forks then left down the stairs. Start the pickpocket mission on your left. Exit memory then re enter. Once the assassination mission starts climb up then head left. Immediate right past the hay, left at the fork. Immediate right after the fork. Head straight and head left at the building. Then first right up the stairs. Then head straight to the archway and the port will be straight ahead. After the cut scene head right from the barrels and drop down. Run across the pillars then jump across the beams on the boat. Run toward the front ends of the next 2 boats. Then jump left to the boat after Then hang right to the last boat, jump on the pillar then ledge catch the big boat in front of you. Climb up and Chase your target and kill him. Once done head back to the bureau, ditch the guards by running up the bureau ladder then eagle diving into the hay in front of you.

Damascus 3: From the entrance head straight, make a left at the save citizen. Right at the hay. Left before the market then right up the stairs. Left once your past the archway. Go straight then climb the wall to your right into the mansion area and start the pickpocket mission. Once done leave through the entrance and go right. Then make another right At the alley on your right with the ladder. Then left at the merchant stand. Circle around the fountain going right, go into the building then start the evesdropping mission. Once done leave and go back the way you came from that alley. Head back towards pickpocket. Left at the alley by pickpocket. Then right up the stairs. Start the interrigation mission. Once done exit mission and re enter. Once you talk to the bureau keeper climb up as it loads and head north, climb up the building to your left then jump across the wooden platform. Then run straight and jump across to the building on your right, climb up the building and assassinate the guard on the roof. Then jump onto that roof and jump onto the building on your left. Climb up and jump across and hang onto the wooden ledge, then crawl down to get to the opposite side of the ledge down. Then climb down and go up to the ledge. Mess around with the corner that the ledges meet and you'll jump down. Get behind the fire facing your target. Once the cut scene is done go straight from the doorway. Left at the fork, then left at the group of people. Keep going straight past the save citizen then left at the dark alley. Then climb up the right wall in the dark alley. Your target is down on the other side. Assassinate him. Once done leave the doorway and head right. Keep going straight until you see a group of people and head right. Then keep going straight then left at the fire, then first right. Keep going straight until you hit the stairs then climb up the building on your left. Try to get into the red roof garden. If it fails kill all the guards. Then head back to the bureau.

Jerusalem 3: From the entrance head to the viewpoint and go right. Go up the stairs where the guards are then head right. Left at the fork then right toward the alley by the save citizen. Go straight through the market. Then left toward the wooden structure and the stairs. Right at the gate then make the first left. Right at the pillar. Then head straight around the building hanging left. Right at the bench. Then first left. Then first right. Keep going then climb up the ladder on your left then go arcross the bridge to the building behind you. Run straight then jump down to the street and head straight for the guards but climb up the wall on the far left. Head straight, then left once your behind the cathedral. Sit on the bench on your left and start the evesdropping mission. Once done Head left, then left again. Then first right then jump down onto the street. Hang left onto the wide street where you climbed that ladder. Then right at the wooden structure. Left when it forks then start the interrigation mission on your right. Once done head back and up the double stair set. Right when it forks, go left at the fountain then start the pickpocket mission on your in front of you. Exit memory then re enter. Once done head right. Head left past the obelisk. Left at the hay. Right at the save citizen. Then left at the building ahead then first right. Climb up the wall on the left past the tree. Then jump down to the archway then go left. Go straight and climb up the ladder. Assassinate the guard on top. Then run across and jump to the black gate, then jump to the ledge and make your way left on the ledge, hang down then climb left once Altair stops. Climb up then get behind your target. Assassinate her as soon as the fight starts. Once done run out the graveyard. First left then first right. Climb up the building and run straight past the tree. Left at the building. Then right at the hay. Keep going, hang left past the crates. Right at the hay. Then right up the stairs. Jump into the hay. Climb up the ladder behind the hay then run across the beam. The bureau is on the left. Once done with malik head south of the bureau. Jump down to the street. First right, then left. Go straight to the gate. Warp to Acre outskirts, get on your horse and head into kingdom.

Robert de Sable: Head straight and hang right in kingdom. Do not make the first right, make the second. Get on your horse once in arsyuf. Knock your horse into the guards on the ledge. Throw the remaining guards off the cliff. Knife the Archer at the top of the platform. Once off the platform throw a guard and assassinate him, then assassinate every scared guard until there's one left, same with the next segment except with 2. Then keep running until the guards ninja dive then run back to the cliff on your left. Throw guards off the cliff. Once there's 5 left head back. Once you get to the next platform kill 7 guards with your throwing knives. Then kill all but one guard. Grab and throw the guard twice toward Robert. Then gentle push him halfway into the bush past the tree then high profile assassinate him.

Al Mualim: Head up to HQ. Run to the cliff at the barrier and throw the guards off. Once done head up. Once the boss fight starts run down and turn around and throw a knife at each man, you can climb back up and kill the rest this way. On segment 2 grab the real Al Mualim and throw and assassinate him. On sequence 3 run and tackle him and assassinate him. Approach the apple. Time ends after the final scene where Desmond looks at the wall.

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