No Items (Pathing and Stuff i know)
No Items (Pathing and Stuff i know)
تم التحديث 9 months ago من OnlyOneMe

This is an explanation of the pathing I've been taking (trying to), along with a few tricks/Tips and Stuff i think about. And is also an addition of the Tips from alvietron.

Most Screenshot are from the 3.46s Any% I No Items

Gate 1:

At the start, hit restart, then instant (Esc) and hold right. The Guards start to move once you restart, but you can't move until you skip the cutscene. Start 1 has the exact amount of food needed to get the key. Go in the Bush (this makes you go instantly from Fat to not Fat) Once you have the Key, try to climb the bench and a little on the Rock to use it as early as possible. You can loop around the Guard (dotted Path) to avoid this agro. Or you don't and just get his agro bc it doesn't matter and makes is faster. (This is only good for no Items)

The Guard bugs Alvietron is talking about. The Guard does not spawn when he passes by the Start 2 Gate (he is in the Ice Cram area) and you hit restart. The Guard starts his rout early when you restart and a certain amount of time has passed / He is at a certain spot in his rout. (The earliest I know is once you arrive at the Ice truck and then Hit restart)

Generally Speaking: The runs you did before can / will alter the behavior of some Guards. Especially when they did Agro you in a run before.

Start 2: When you're fast enough in Start 1 and make a clean route around the invisible Wall (Violet), you can lose Agro at the orange Star (very Hard). You have to scare both birds, with one having to drop 2 Foods and the other 1 (reset if not) Run over the Rock (For me, it feels faster to walk more to the right/over the cutout of the rock). Grab both Pizzas at the Yellow House. This will make you fat. Turn around and walk to the black olives on the left side of the Gate. The Guard will jump once you get slowed/fat. Don't dodge, just keep walking right. In the best case, he lands to the left of the blue door and not in front of it. This will change his pathing a bit and make the second dodge easier. Once you put the Key, walk down to the right pillar of the gate, then turn and walk to the left side of the gate again. The dog will jump and miss at the same time the gate opens, so you can walk by. Grab the Box and turn right to go directly to the second Box. (There is an invisible wall over the water, but not the rocks) The Guard will still chase you but will eventually lose you.

Ice Cream 1: Grab the 2nd Box. Dodge the Bush to not get slowed. Scare the Birds. Grab the Olives and the 1st Pizza but don't eat the 2nd, or you will get fat/slowed. Scare Pig and Deer. If the Guards see/agro you, it doesn't matter, bc taking this path will lose him anyway. Sometimes the Pig will walk in front of the 3rd Guard and Block his line of sight, and the guard won't agro you as well / fast.

Ice Cream 2: After you scare them, Grab the 3rd Box, then the Food in the creates (including the Pizza if possible) and go to the back of the truck. Always stay close to not stop eating the Ice cream. As soon as you've eaten the Ice 5 times/ 2 scoops are left (like on the Screenshot) walk to the Yellow (O) to use the key. This is the nearest spot to use it. Walk back to eat the other 2 scoops.

It is important to use the Key as early as possible. So you can still fill the next Key with a little food from the fifth time Ice eating. This helps you in the next area.

Caprese: After the ice cream, walk up the stairs and directly to the Box. After directly to the right to the caprese. I don't have any tips for this part except to go wide on the edge. But sometimes the Guard sees you anyway. If he didn't see you, you can stay on the (X) and won't get seen. After you ate the caprese, you will just have enough food for the Key. If the Guard sees you, you can try to still eat the caprese and dodge the Dog (it's hard and loses time). Once you've eaten the caprese, go to the Gate, use the Key and dodge the Dog once more before entering the Villa Area. The Dog won't follow you into the next area.

Villa: The problem with Villa is that without Box respawns, you don't have enough food. The Optimal route is to grab 1st and 2nd Box in the bottom Villa with the blue truck fish and some other stuff on your way to the top part. Take the Pizza on the Table, the 3rd Box and the food around the well before taking the 4th Box. By the 4 bushes, you grab the zeppole and the 2 Pizzas. After that, you loop around and take the 2nd and 1st boxes again. (Which should have respawned.) I'm still not sure how the Respawns of Boxes function exactly. My believing is that they respawn after 20 seconds, and only if you're not too close. Following this theory you want to grab box 1+2 as fast as possibel. Do the other part in about 20sec and then come down to grab 2+1 again.

Going the red Path wont get you Agro if the chihuahua looks to the left. This is the "normal" scenario and you have to do this most of the times. But if you alter him (the bug). He can look to the right and you are save to take the green path. EDIT: Going the left stairs, under the Dog to the Box is faster and easyer (less common to get agro) see in my newest run.

You can walk up the white ledge. (Easiest way to go from inside the bush.) If you get agro you can walk up there when both Dogs are near the bottom (blue circle) They will follow the blue line to the top of the ledge, where they lose agro and walk back down.

Probably wont add more contact me on Discord for any questions / Speedrun relateted stuff (its in my Profil)

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