Story Mode
I'm doing Story mode attempts for maybe my first WR or even sub 1 hour, It'll be tough, but I think I'll get it
تم التحرير بواسطة الكاتب
Pikachu_X_Ruby و Overdrıve300 تُحب هذا
All right, and I wish you luck to achieve your goal.
Pikachu_X_Ruby و SchwarzSSB تُحب هذا
I couldn't put a picture in the submission thing on LiveSplit but I did post it on Discord as somewhat evidence(?) It was WR for any%.
Pikachu_X_Ruby و Overdrıve300 تُحب هذا
الجولات الأخيرة
المستوى: Court & Field Sports
المستوى: Multi-Discipline
المستوى: Athletics
المستوى: Aquatics
المستوى: Cycling