Could we deprioritize superskip records?
1 year ago
United States

Glad to see the recent activity around the leaderboards. In regards to WL1, PT1 and PT2, I was considering if we could deprioritze or otherwise re-categorize these superskip times in a way where the main view would centralize focus around times that are still attainable/beatable through currently available means. Though of course I don't think the work done on setting these records should be downplayed or pushed aside, I think it's important to maintain activity on these courses and I can definitely see some lowered interest in these three courses due to the "locked" leaderboard status.

In short, I think it would be better if we either separated superskip runs into another category, or hid the "Super" runs when viewing the default category.

Of course, I may be a biased party as I hardly ever utilized these skips in my records (I'm a bit late to the party). I'm interested in hearing others' thoughts regarding this!

MattyAlanEstock و GR8gamer تُحب هذا

No replies, huh. I agree, this hasn't been well organized, I think the front page should've been Non-superskip times ever since 1.1 was released, and have a toggle or tab to show superskip times. Though idk how easy it is to set the page as such.

United States

As is, getting even a top-5 time on a few leaderboards is essentially impossible. Separating superskip times seems sensible to me, though I'm also something of a biased party for the same reason as Polychrome.


I definitely agree, feels like there's no point keeping times on the top of the leaderboards that are no longer achievable and thus aren't considered WRs anymore. They should be preserved somehow, but I'm not sure how.


I'd like to raise this exact same point re dryboost times

United States

Re: Dryboost times

Might be worth separating times before 1.3 as a whole so the main view is 1.3 only. And with 1.3 separated, there would be no reason to make dryboost its own category either as it's no longer a viable strategy to dryboost over and over.

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