Level 4 has a new starting location
1 month ago
United States

So for level 4 of big scary, speedruns usually began the moment you touched the ground after clicking the level 4 button. Well before clicking on that level 4 button: if you just walked forward in your play space (on accident or on purpose) and then proceeded to click the level 4 button, then you would begin farther forward than other players meaning you get an unfair advantage. (if you don't understand, then ask for me to record an example) There isn't an easy way to know if someone did this or not, so we decided to change the start location of level 4.

Level 4 now starts with your player body touching the back wall and your hands off the ground, time starts the moment your hand touches the ground (please try not to move IRL before touching ground) with the end being where it was before (the tunnel infront of that pool area). Sadly, current level 4 speedruns will now be invalid and be forced to be rejected.

Megacharlielincoln و Jmerkzu تُحب هذا

I just did a run I think I did it correctly but I'm not sure.

United States

yeah, you did it correctly. Congrats on temporarily WR

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New Big Scary Speedrunning Rules (located in the "leaderboards" tab)

Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as lev

1 month ago
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